Chapter 2:First Day On The Job.

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BTW I put the video above as a joke or whatever. Also I love this version of the song.


Scott's POV:

Oh my god. Seriously Vincent, this early in the fucking MORNING?!?

"Hi Scott,...Nice legs you got there; what time to they open?"Vincent scooted closer to me as I scooted away.

"Screw off, Vincent. It's too early in the freakin' morning." I slapped his hands away when they tried to grasp my face.

Vincent has been hitting on me more often lately; why though? He usually ignores me if I ignore him but it's not working.

"Also, Vincent , you have to behave around the new worker. (Y/N) most likely won't tolerate your.... Mannerisms."

Vincent stared at me confused. "When is (she/he) coming?

I was about to answer when I heard the front double doors open. I glanced and saw (Y/N). (Y/N) walked over and said hi.

"So, who is this guy, Scott?" (Y/N) asked, while pointing at Vincent.

"Vincent,darling. By the way, did you scrape your knees when you fell from Heaven?" Vincent winked and watched as (Y/N)'s reaction turned from a 'okay' face to 'fuck you, perv'.

I noticed (She/He) actually did scrape their knees. It was a light enough scrape to not make it bleed profusely, but deep enough to draw a little blood.

"No, I hurt my knees when I fucking crawled out of Hell."

"Ooooooooo, sassy. Just like I like them." Vincent looked at (Y/N) with lust filled eyes.

"Fuck off,man." (Y/N) flipped Vincent off and went off. I guess to see the other Security guards.

(Y/N) POV:


You thought as they collided and became a huge mess of anger and annoyance. You accidentally bumped into someone as you zoned out.

"Oh gosh; I'm sorry! You must be the new worker." You looked up to see a man with an army of freckles with a huge and fluffy orange mane on top. He wore big, black circular glasses on his face. He wore a sheepish smile as he stuck out his hand to shake yours. You gave him your hand, and gave him a firm shake.

"My names Fritz. Yours?" He stuck his hands into his pockets as he looked at you, expectant of your answer.

"(Y/N). Nice to meet you." You flashed him a smile. You smirked as you saw him blush a little. You thought he was kinda.....cute.

"Umm..Do you mind if I show you around?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay. Dude."

Fritz POV:


"Dude, why are you staring at me?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, unaware that inside I'm fanboying all over the place.

"Uhhhhhhh...No reason." I replied quickly so (she/he) wouldn't get suspicious.

"Okay then." Darn it! (Y/N) caught my hesitation but didn't question it. Thank gosh.

"This is the kitchen. Where we make the pizzas for the day." I just realized what I said and felt stupid. I blushed , feeling dumb since (Y/N) can tell we make the food here , cause ,duh, the flipping sign says 'Pizzeria'.

"Cool." (she/he) replied, shrugging.

"This is the stage. No kids are allowed on here or in the kitchen." I stated as I noticed (Y/N) looking around ; absorbing every detail of the place.

"The office back here is for the nightshift. They watch the animatronics at night so no burglar comes in and tries to steal them." I gestured towards the back office .

"I bet it's super boring there. Good thing I didn't take that shift." (Y/N) stated as (she/he) kept on walking.

"That's all of the place! So, you have the security uniform?" I guessed because (she/he) said good thing about not choosing the nightguard shift.

"Yeah; it's in my bag. I'll go change now." (She/He) left to go to the restroom to change. I waited there , hoping it wouldn't take long to change.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Oh dear Lord Shrek. I can't easily fit in my (skirt/pants). Oh well, I'll just live with it. I struggled with the zipper as I tried to close it. It finally closed! Jeez it toke forever to make it close. It was hard too.

I left the restroom, standing next to Fritz. I tapped on his shoulder, making him jump three feet in the air. I laughed as I saw him blushing from being so flustered. He huffed at me and turned away.

"Aww. Fritz! Didn't you know I was just playing with you." He sulked even more as you tried to get him to look at you.

You felt bad for scaring him, so you hugged him. He stiffened, then relaxed into the hug. You noticed it was like hugging a blanket. A really warm and cuddly one. You enjoyed the hug, so you kept hugging him, until he politely asked for you to let go of him.

"Do you know you feel like a warm blanket when hugged?" Aw shit! I just admitted that.

He looked at me with a startled look. "Ummm.. Thanks?" He said questionably.

"I'm sorry, it just came out." Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. You probably just scared Fritz into thinking your a weird freak. Oh well, there goes friendship out the fucking window.

"It's okay. I just wasn't expecting that." He smiled and tilted his head cutely. Soo... That's the war you wanna play? The cute war? Your soooooo fucking on!

Fritz's POV:

Oh god.. (She/He) just complimented me! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I'm such a spaz!! (If you know where this comes from I will give you a hug and a cookie.)

I felt really happy. My mom always said that I looked my cutest when I was happy,because I always tilted my head and smiled. (Dude, I feel like I'm making this too anime-istic). I always was that kid who was awkward in class.


"Fritz!! Where's my fucking food?!" Mike stormed it, being the jerk he always is.

"Mike, I have it." A quiet voice said. Jeremy. He was always kind to Mike, even though sometimes Mike is a major league jerk to Jeremy.

"Oh; Thanks Jere-bear!" Mike sat next to Jeremy and started eating. Jeremy blushed a bright red. "P-please don't c-call me that." Jeremy started meekly eating his food.

Then I sat down with (Y/N) sitting besides me. Then I started eating.


Yeah... Second Chapter... Hope you guys liked it!

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