Chapter One

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Chapter One
~The bookstore~

"Hey dad, can River come over?" I
questioned once I sat down for dinner. "We gotta work on this book report and I can go to the bookstore real fast after dinner so I can get it," I added. My slim fingers adjusted on my bag, which I carry everywhere. The leather was held tightly between my grip, and I prepared to get back up.

"Sure just make sure you're actually doing your work." My father winked and I cringed as I rolled my eyes. River has been my best friend since 2nd grade and all we ever will be is best friends. I ran upstairs putting my black hair in a pony tail, not wanting it to get in my face when I rode my bike across town. My green eyes glistening in the mirror. I reached for my glasses and took my contacts out, not feeling the need to wear them now that I'm out of school. I went to the other side of the small room only holding some basic room things, two book shelves that connected in the corner, two bean bags, and a chair that was in shape of a hand. I grabbed my tan leather book bag and made my way out of the small white house I called my home.

The ride was smooth, and I parked my bike outside of the book store. 'This shouldn't be long,' I thought to myself. I walked in the small cozy store smiling to myself. I loved the bookstore, and of course the library, but I wanted to actually buy this book so I could make notes in it. I believe it was called 'The Great Expectations.' I was looking around the store when I felt a tap on my shoulder, which caused me to slightly flinch.

I whipped my head around to see a tan male, about the same age as me. He smiled at me and spoke, "Uh hey, sorry for scaring you; I'm Clyde. I was wondering if you could help me. I remember seeing your face in class, we must be looking for the same book, the Charles Dickens book?" He asked in a confident voice, I voice I could never speak in, even if it was around someone I've known for a while. His voice sounded like honey, yet was still deep. I looked up at him, being taller than me then again everyone towered over me, being only 4'11", it happens. His brown eyes poured into mine. His masculine body stood stiff once he realized I was staring and haven't spoken, but he still seemed to hold himself up with such pride.

"Oh yeah, of course!" I said with a smile, not wanting to make this any more awkward, even though my voice came out in a rushed awkward way, and I could feel my cheeks start to burn up from interaction.

"You could work with me and my friend River if you'd like." God I was definitely making this awkward, but I knew what it was like being the new kid and having no one to work with when there was a partner project. Even after being the kid that's been at the school for a while now, people still don't ask to be my partner. Luckily for my River was actually in this class so I didn't have to go up to my teacher and timidly tell them that I once again don't have a partner.

"Ah, assuming I don't have a partner?" Clyde gave a sly smirk, causing me to turn an even deeper shade of red if that was possible.

"No, no that's not what I meant at all, it was just an offer." I rushed out as quick as possible, the red not leaving my cheeks. I definitely wasn't the best at social interactions.

"Don't worry, I'm just messing with you." Clyde let out a chuckle and I gave a nervous laugh in response.

"But yeah you're right I don't have a partner, so if you wouldn't mind." He added, and he scratched the back, and I was shifting my eyes to look anywhere but directly in his eyes.

"Okay, we could meet up sometime. I'll uh... I'll see you at school." Even though I didn't see him before, I'm sure I'll recognize him now. I grabbed the book and handed one to him.

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