Chapter Two

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Chapter Two
~The Dream~

My breathing got heavier as I ran through darkness. I didn't know where I was. It was pitch black, the floor, or ground, whatever it was, it was flat grounded. There was nothing around me, I was in complete empty darkness. I continued to walk, but there was nothing. I couldn't see nothing other than utter pitch black. I was shaking, I didn't feel like me. Well I did, it's hard to explain, it felt like someone else was in control, I wasn't in full control of my body. I didn't know what that meant, but I know it terrified me, and I could feel my pace getting faster.

I've never felt more unsafe, then I did in this moment. I moved my arms around trying to touch something, anything. No one was there, except on the sensation of someone's eyes burning on me. It wasn't just one persons eyes either, it felt like multiple people, I felt so vulnerable as I felt people stare at me.

I didn't know what to do. I felt worthless, and my legs got heavier as I continued toward. I just wanted to feel something, anything, or at least see something. The darkness reminded me of so many things, I did not want to remember

I felt myself start to panic, and let myself collapse, but once I did I just fell, and I keep falling, like the hole in the 'Alice in Wonderland.' I didn't scream, no matter how much I tried to. It felt as if someone had stitched my mouth up, even though earlier I was breathing fine through my mouth, but now I couldn't even open up my mouth.

I let my eyes squeeze shut, when I felt something grab onto my arm. It wasn't a hard grab, but enough to terrify me. The hand felt cold, as it gently pulled me, but the grip become more aggressive and I could already feel a bruise forming.

I started to hear my name in whispers. They were low at first, so soft, but soon the whispers turned into screams. That's when I started to feel a sudden pain starting from my neck going down to my chest, causing me to jolt awake.


"Marcel, wake up." I felt soft hands start to shake me, nothing like the hands before that started to roughly pull me. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, my eyes fixated on a pair of brown eyes. I closed my eyes again, not for long, readjusting to the light. I felt sick to my stomach, my head was pounding, and I could hear a loud buzzing noise. I felt dizzy, but got up nonetheless. I still felt like I was in that dream, and everybody's eyes were on me, even though River was the only one in the room.

"You alright buddy? You don't look to hot, and you sleep past 11, your dad sent me up to wake you." Once I got up I stretched, not answering Rivers question right away, my dream slowly drifting from memory. The only thing I can seem to remember was that grab on my arm, I still felt pain right were it was grabbed. I flinched as I touched around the area I was grabbed, causing a worried look to wash over Rivers face. I felt terrible, like I was gonna vomit.

My whole body hurt, it felt as if I just endured years of pain, and abuse. I brushed it off, like I brush everything off. I didn't want to think to much about it, there was a logical reason for everything.

"That's strange, I must've did something while I was asleep." I didn't even know how to phrase it, or even explain it, I stopped sleepwalking a long time ago, so I don't think it could be that. I didn't fall out of my bed, due to the fact I was still in my bed, and I've always sleep on my back, I've never been known to toss and turn. This must have just been a strange coincidence, nothing else could really explain what happened. My head was pounding, and the feeling of dizziness would not go away.

"Are you okay, you seem out of it, do you need Tylenol?" River asked, concern lingering in her voice. I shook my head, grabbing my glasses off of the nightstand. My hands felt unsteady, I wasn't one to shake often, no matter how anxious I was, because I was anxious often.

"Nah, I'll be alright." I spoke slowly, my words stumbling upon each other. "We should get to work on our, uhm- our." I couldn't finish my sentence, I could feel my heart beating, as if I could hear it trying to jump out of my chest, and my breathing starting to rise, everything began to get blurry, I tried blinking to see clear. I grabbed onto one of the shelfs on my bookshelf keeping myself from falling. I heard River calling my name, but she seemed so far away, as if the room was getting bigger. Feelings of being unsafe were coming back, and it felt as if even more people were staring, and laughing at me.

My head started to pound even more, and I could feel myself slowly slip from conscious, and I dropped straight to the group and the shelf falling over top of me. I could hear a faint female voice that did not belong to River, as I let the darkness take over. I heard voices in the distance. However they were not voices I recognized. I was quickly jolted back to reality, as River pulled me by that same arm, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm fine." I barley said over a whisper, getting out of Rivers hold, I felt uncomfortable at her touch which was unusual. I still felt unsafe, and it felt like being around River was making it worse. It didn't make since, I just let myself think that today was just a bad day, and it will get better, but the pain in my chest was telling me otherwise. I fiddled with my new necklace, and for some reason the lady who sold me the necklace face was burning in my mind, as if she was taking over all my thoughts.

She was all I thought about that day, she would be all I thought about for awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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