Chapter 13: Robbery..?

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Your POV

You quickly put on some clothes, nothing much, and hid under the bed.

Foxy was let back into the room.

"Yer girlfriend, he's a good one." He smirks. You instantly feel bad.

"She is my girl, and she loves me. She's not scared of me, I'm not a rapist, like she thinks of someone else!" Bonnie yells at him.

They start swinging punches, and you keep quiet.

To pass the time, you think about your life with Bonnie and what might happen.

If you are pregnant, what would that be to him? Would he leave? Would he accept it?

Would you move in with him or him move on with you later?

Your mind was filled with questions, but you snapped out of it when Foxy lifted the bed skirt, to where he could see you.

Before he could grab you, Bonnie slammed his elbow into Foxy's back.

Yelling in pain, Foxy hissed in anger as well. Foxy had had enough of Bonnie and you together.

"Well, I got what my cold soul wanted, a little fun. I be leavin now, but watch out, I'll get ya back." Foxy then disappears out of the room, and you crawl out.

"Are you okay?" You ask worried.

"Yeah.. Are you?" He asked, taking your arms and holding you close. "Yes Bonnie, I'm fine!" You say.

"Good.. I'm so sorry he did that.." Bonnie says kissing you. You cup his face.

"It's okay Bonnie, he's gone now." You whisper. He places his hand on your stomach.

"You might be having a little one soon." He smiles. You smile and hug him.

"Bonnie, what if it actually happens? How would we do this?" You ask. He shakes his head.

"I have no idea, let's wait and see what the results are first." He says confidently.

"Let's go back to sleep, we'll wake up later and I'll go to work." You say into his chest.

"Honey, you know Foxy isn't done yet.. Right..?" He says nervously. You nod.

"Sadly yes I know.. But I want to forget it right now. Let's go to sleep." And you lay down on the bed, and he gets on the other side.

You do feel him take off your top and shorts somehow, and you turn your head to look at him.

"I told you earlier I wanted you to sleep this way.." He pouted. You kiss his nose, and turn so your back is facing him.

Eventually, you both fall asleep.

-next... Uh...'morning' 6:30pm

You woke first, and hopped into the shower. You did the usual routine, you now the drill.

You walked into your room, all ready, to see Bonnie still sleeping in a very... Sexual way...

He only had his boxers on, and his hands were on his thighs, kinda squeezing them in his sleep. The blanket was off of him, and he had a hard on, very visible.

You blushed a lot, and shook him. He jumped awake, and shifted to get dressed.

"Sorry babe." He laughed. You kissed his cheek, and led him out to the car.

Bonnie opened the door for you like a gentle man, and when he got in, you drove both of you to the pizzeria.

However, when you got there, it was empty. No people.
You walked in, and looked around, Bonnie behind you.

"F-Freddy..? C-Chica..? G-Gold..?" You call out.

Then, you step further in, and a large body tackled you to the ground. You look up, to see Freddy growling in your face.

"FREDDY! ITS (Y/N)!!" A female voice yelled. Chica's.

He looked guilty and got off of you, and Bonnie picked you up bridal style.

"What the hell was that for?!" Bonnie screamed. Gold and Chica came out, also in their animatronic forms.

"Someone broke in... As you can tell.." Chica said. You looked around, and the place look destroyed. You had a better view since the light was turned on.

"Who did this?" You ask softly.

Chica speaks up.

"We think it's an old security guard, Mike. He hates us.. He was the guard before you.

We have a plan though in case it's him. We're going to be pretending to hate you, and trying to kill you.

He's going to try to save you last minute, before I drag you into the back room.

Then, if he tries to make a move, then Bonnie or Freddy will kill him." She explained. You nodded.

"Sounds like a deal, but don't kill me." You say.

"We would never." Gold said. You nod and smile, and you all got into positions.

Then, to your surprise and everyone else's, Mike actually showed up.


Derp. I updated.

Well, this chapter sucked balls, didn't it? Yup.

Aaron out! ✌🏼

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