☆Chapter 3☆

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There's sugar everywhere. Whether you look to your left or your right, every space seems to be filled with sugar. They even have different colours, how nice.

It's not that I wasn't here before but I didn't realise how packed this place is. I hoped the dude that I met last time here came here as soon as-
There he was.

"Hey mate. I'm Michael. Michael Clifford, nice to meet you properly," I smiled at the guy in front of me, he shyly smiled back and introduced himself as Alberto Guacamole. He has an Italian accent. What a weird name.

"So, I'm gonna show you how to use the machine now, okay? It's not that difficult, don't worry." He turned it on and looks at me curiously. I nodded for him to continue and waited for him to start.

While he worked me through the first steps and showed me how to make these big, fluffy sweets that only contained sugar, he explained that I could experiment with the colors after I got used to the machine. They also sold other sweets and some salty goods but nothing were I needed to put a show on while making these. Only letting the costumer choose and then collect their money.

Nothing too serious, right?

Alberto went on about how he's going to join me the first two days of work so I didn't have to handle the shop alone and get used to it. Everytime a new costumer came, he handled the money and I had to spin the sugar and give out the snacks they wanted.

In the blink of an eye my shift neared it's end. I had 10 minutes left until the clock striked 6pm. I thanked Alberto for his help and being patient with me and then took off my uniform. This job didn't seem to be boring at all, I thought to myself. I get to eat everything for free and this place is everything but busy.

After putting my stuff in the provided locker, I told Alberto 'goodbye' and left the little shop. Quickly I made my way over to the dorm room Calum and I shared and arrived shortly after 6:20 pm.

Because the teachers didn't give us work that had to be done for the next lesson and Calum wasn't anywhere to be found, I pulled out my old ratty guitar and slung it around my neck. Softly I started playing some easy stuff to warm up. After a few minutes I started to figure out the chords of that one song that was stuck in my head. Having not realised how loud I was playing, I flinched at the sudden sound of Luke who closed the connecting door and he then started singing the lyrics to the song.

"Didn't know you could sing," I said as I glanced over to the door. Luke went over to my roommates bed sat down as he answered, "Didn't know you can play."

A smile twitched at the corners of my mouth as suddenly the front door bursted open and Calum cane strolling in with some older looking dude that looked like a surfer. Wondering where he knew the guy from, I almost missed as he introduced the boy as Ashton.

"So you're the famous ashton who throws these -- let me qoute -- 'awesome partys' that I'm missing cause I'm -- let me qoute again -- 'stupid and a boring twat'?"

Ashton looked startled for a second than started giggling - fucking giggling - und extended his hand for me to shake it.

"I guess you're Michael then? The friend calum always talks about who rather plays fifa than getting laid?" He started giggling again as I reluctantly shook his hand and glared at Calum.

"Hi! I'm Luke, we met at the last party!" Luke threw in and jumped at the poor guy in order to hug him. Suppressing a laugh I looked over to Calum who did the same.

After stepping back, Luke spoke again, sounding to eager for my liking and told them: "We were jamming, you should definitely join us!", and plopped down on the bed again. Exchanging a look with Calum, Ashton shrugged and sat down at the desk as Calum joined Luke on his bed.

I started to pick up the tune to the song again, which name I learned was "teenage dirtbag". From there, it went smooth.

We fooled around until students came to complain and called it a night. Too tired to move, we all fell asleep sprawled on top of the two beds. I grinned. Mondays aren't as bad as I thought they are.

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