The Left

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I see you have made your choice, but before we go down this path,


Is this the path you for sure wish to continue this journey on?

If so, then lets continue.

You start walking down the path, slowly, almost to the point of pain,

Just wait thought,

There will be plenty of that on this journey,

Darkness follows your every movement,

Every shift of your eye,

Every breath you inhale,

And every one you let go,

Yet down the path you walk, then you feel the first prick,

Just a tiny one,

Yet it draws a thin line of red on your arm,

Then the giggles start,

Voices whispering in the dark as you walk,

Glowing red eyes start to appear,

Followed by bright white, teeth, sharper then any knife you ever have and will see.

Each long tooth stained in red,

Curved up into a long smile,

One that reaches half way up their dark twisted faces,

They start moving closer to you,

Yet you keep walking forward, you have no choice,

It's walk,


Or let insanity welcome you into it's large embrace,

So you walk, the small frightening creatures getting closer to you by the second,


Not creatures,


Too bad you left your cross at home,

Oh well, you can't go back now,

You walk in the darkness for hours,

Or is it,

Who knows,

The creatures so close you can hear their giggling breath,

But never touching you,

No never touching you,

But their claws, long pointy red stained claws, swing around your body,

Almost as if touching you,

Yet not a scratch from the demons have marked your body,

No, just the pricks from the thorns lining the sides of the path,

Untill, after what seems like months of walking you see a stranger, and more frightening sight then ever before

The Journey Of InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now