Chapter 2

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This story will be told in Brandon's POV. Brandon up above⬆⬆


Being scared shitless, I reach over and throw Dani's loud alarm clock she set for me. I love Miguel but damn.. Not this early. Talking about some damn coffee...

Dani burst into my room danced around and jumped on my bed screaming.

"Wake up Chrissy! We have things to do!!"

I peep at her from under the covers. Bad idea. I mush my face into my pillow to shield my eyes away from the sun.

"Why must you wake up so early? Why are you a morning person? Why did I let you live with me??" I groaned from my pillow.

She then straddled my back and sang , "A- because its shopping day! B- because the sun loves me! And C- is because YOU LOVE ME!"

Well she has one of them correct...

Everyone told me that after high school, Dani and I wouldn't speak to each other again. So, I decided when we graduated high school that I wasn't gonna let her go. So I got an apartment, told her we were inseparable, and moved in together!

Well aren't I paying for it now??

"Well you know I love you Dani. That's not even a question.." I look up at her through my squinted eyes.

Her expression turned into a sincere one as she leaned down and squeezed my face while talking in a baby voice.

"Awww... You do?! I love you too Chrissy!!"

I had to dive under the covers before she kissed my face like a grandparent does their grandchild.

"Come on Dani! Stop it!"

"Oh stop being a baby Chris! I just wanna show some affection!!"

Ughhh this girlll....

Then she started to touch my neck...

If you didn't know, that's where my hot spot is located and she knows it...

"Dani.... You know better!"


She just looks at me with the most innocent face. As if she was a little child who didn't know any better. But it was that sexy innocent...

The lord is testing me!!

"Dani please stop! If you stop, I'll make my special omelet for you?"

That seemed to get her attention.

"Oooohhh!!! Deal!! Be ready in 10!"

And with that she bolted out the door.

Just so she she knows, 10 for me is actually 30. It takes a while for me to get dressed. You can't rush sexy.. Lol just kidding. I'm not that arrogant.

But any ways, I get out of bed and walk over to my closet. I pick out a white shirt, blue jeans, and my timberlands. I then get my phone and my speaker and head to the shower to handle all the hygiene stuff.

30 minutes later....

I walk back into my room and grabbed my favorite gold chain that Dani bought me for graduation. She's bought me many chains and they all have pimp sayings on them. Like, this one says

"Yo Hoe Calls Me Big Zaddy!"

With a Z...

Who comes up with this stuff??

Probably Dani.

She's the crazy one out of us....

Where she gets them will still puzzle me until the day I die. Since she isn't gonna tell me and never will..

Her words not mine...

But as I was saying.. I walk to my dresser and put on my cologne that I just bought. I then ascended down the stairs to see Dani in here own world.

She had her guitar in hand and her headphones connected to her laptop. Her mic was station right in front of her and she had her music book on the side. I'm guessing she got a new inspiration!

Oh I forgot to tell you.... Dani and I want to be music artists. Its been our dream since squad performed in our high school talent show in freshman year. So we now make music together and preform at our cafe down a couple of blocks.

We don't fully own it, we own a quarter of it. We share it with our friends Naimah and Langston. We've all been friends since 3rd grade. We were probably the closest and most loyal friends than our entire school. And we still are. We are Squad!!!!

Breaking away from my thoughts, I stand back and listen to what Dani had came up with.

"But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me their jacket when it's cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end"

I swear I love this girl..

I honestly don't realize I'm staring at her until I feel a pillow hit my face.

"Chris come back to Earth!!"

"Sorry.. I was uh... Thinking about... Stuff.. Yeah."

Great job B. You really made that lie believable..

I'm such a spazz...

HI.... Yeah I know I've been MIA.... sorry. School has been blehh... bit here you go. And Dani's picture will be in the next chapter.

Stay classy


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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