Can A Lonely Girl Find True Love? Part 2

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Can A Lonely Girl Find True Love? Part 2

(Recap) ... I also knew what he would this time, put me in the basement, tie me to the ragged old bed and call over his poker mates and use me as the money. Oh no he just did it once before and it was pure hell. Noooo!!!

As he stood there with his smug simile, I didn't know what to do so I thought maybe I can yell, Nope that would End in more of a disaster, because it will wake torture number two and three or should I say supposed to be mum and aunty. Yes I know it sounds weird that they have no kids and only an aunty living with me but hey they both are sister and fell in LOVE with the Torture number one (ewe) and thought they should share there love and also beat me together and yes they are totally mental and they don't care if my supposed to be dad hits me cause its also there HOBBY too! What a surprise.

Anyway I knew he would catch me if I run and make me suffer more, I just stood there and prayed to God, Please God I know I have never thought about you before because well because of you suffering right anyway if you can at least save me now I will a try to like, please, please save me. And there I stood mentally yelling and screaming at God who I hate because of my life to save me when there was a knock on the door, (Mental note try and be nice to God, like say your better then my tortures just a bit though.) anyway, I was smiling to myself when dad slapped me again hard and whispered "I will get you latter" and went upstairs, well that's better then basement, and I guess I have take the door too. So I went and checked myself in the small mirror by the corridor and went to answer it.

oh Gosh, what the hell it can't be, oh wait am I dreaming, can this person in my front door even be true, Ohm my God it can't be, I mean his sooo Gorgeous no Gorgeous is an understatement, his just way more then like, what do you say can there be anyone beautiful then an angel? And yes there can the guy was a living proof.

The Guy: Hum sorry but do you mind?

He said it with an amused smile on his face, and oh my God he has Dimples and he looks even more cute, Whoops (mental slap) stop drooling g over him.

Me: um sure, I mean no, umm ok sorry but Who Are You?

Guy: Well I think I should ask you that question.

(sorry it's small, and i just wanted to try cliff hangers in all the pages.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2009 ⏰

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