Third Period

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The bell rings and then I walk in the teacher looks at me. He was tallish, very pale to tell the truth he looked like a vampire goblin hybrid and really loudly told me.

"Mr.West your late come get a pink slip". said Mr.Cole.

"What does a pink slip mean"?

"It means you have after school detention ". he said

"Wait what? I have track team today".

"Well than if your in track you should have got here earlier. Don't think because your the new student you won't get detention the rules apply to everyone. Now take a seat next to Mr.Grayson and Ms.Gordonl maybe they can teach you a thing or two". he rudely said.

I set next to Richard and Barbra in the back of the room ,and turned to the door to see Artemis walk in he headed her a pink slip a she set in the front. Rose walked in right after this and she turned to Mr.Cole's desk.

"I know was late which means I now have detention with my friends Artemis and Wally".Rose said sweetly.

She trys to pick up a pink slip ,but he takes it from her. Then he walks to the back of the room takes my slip ,and begins to walk back to his desk on the way back he grabbed Artemis's slip and throws them all in the trash can.

"Guess this time I can let it go".said Mr.Cole

Rose sat down in the seat next to Artemis ,and Barbra gave her a look. Barbra doesn't seem to like her very much. Then Anthony from my first period walked in. Mr.Cole handed him a pink slip. Anthony set in the sit next Richard.

"Sup loser". said Anthony.

"Dude leave him alone".

"Wally don't. Just leave it be". said Richard

"Oh. DICK who's this........your boyfriend". said Anthony trying to be funny.

"No, I'm his best friend Wally".

"Oh. Ok your best friend". When he said this the teens around him laughed.

"Who's talking in my class"? said Mr.Cole

"Anthony". said Barbra

"Who was he talking to"? asked Mr.Cole

Oh gosh please Barbra don't tell him I was talking to him.

Barbra just set there trying to think of what to say then Rose in a sweet voice says "Nobody Anthony is just so weird that he has to talk to himself".

Thank you.

"Thank you Rosilina and Ms.Gordon. Mr.Thomas come get another pink slip now".

Mr.Cole turned to the chalk board and started writing the homework on the board. Anthony stood up and walked to Mr.Coles desk and grabbed another pink slip. Anthony turned around and started walking back to his desk. On his way back I noticed that he touched Rose's sholder ,and then set in his seat. Rose turned after he touched her and she throw one if her pencils and hit Anthony in his forehead. Then Mr.Cole turned around and handed everyone a three paged packet.

"Everyone begin working" said Mr.Cole.

A Few Minutes Later

I look at my packet an I'm only half way through the first page. I look to my left and see Barbra she's at the end of the first page.
I look to my right and see Richard he's on the second page ,and I notice that he is consistently wiping his neck and the side of his face. I bent over my desk a little bit ,and see Anthony spitting a spitball at the side of his face and neck. I look up at the front of the room to see if the teacher notices what Anthony was doing. The teacher didn't even look up. I write up a note that said
( Dear Rose,
Please tell Mr.Cole that Anthony is picking on Richard.
from Wally.
PS The only reason that I asked you to do it was because he likes you.)
and then got the other teens in my class to pass it up to Rose. When it finally got to her she opened. Then she turned around to see Anthony spitting spitballs at Richard. She quickly stood up from her chair ,and walked to the teachers desk. When she got to his desk she bent over it. When she bent over his desk her skirt went up to like right under her butt. To tell truth I was looking at her butt. Ok don't get mad because I looked a ninth graders butt because all the other boys were to. Even Anthony and Richard. Then while looking at her butt Artemis through her penv,and hit me right in the heads with it. Barbra reached over and hit Richard in the back of head. Rose then turned around fast and set back in her seat.

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