Time Force: The Forbidden Love Affair of Wes and Jen

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"Man, I'm so tired of them playing coy around each other instead of just admitting that they're in love!" Lucas Kendall said exasperatedly. "I know what you mean man, but we can't just force them together. They have to confess and kiss on their own," Trip—their Xybrian friend—said. "We are not going to lock them in a room together and get them to make out, are we? You know that never works. Besides, if we do, they will get revenge on us later, and Jen can think up some pretty nasty ways to retaliate," Katie Walker answered. "How about we just leave them alone in the clock tower for an hour or two, maybe longer ? That will possibly persuade them to admit they love each other and maybe something will happen between them. With any luck, we'll get back and they'll be all over each other. So, they told Wes and Jen that they were going out for awhile to see more of the city, then left them alone in the clock tower, hoping they would wise up and get together.

"Bye guys! We're going out to see more of Silver Hills, you know, get a better idea of where everything is," Katie said. "We'll go with you, Wes offered. "Nah, someone needs to stay here in case someone calls or comes by with an odd job," Lucas said. So, Wes and Jen agreed to stay behind for that reason. Trip, Katie, and Lucas left, leaving the two lovebirds alone in the clock tower together. Wes and Jen looked at each other, each of them suddenly very aware of the other's presence. The thought of being alone with her began to bother Wes and he looked away quickly, but unfortunately, Jen noticed he was trembling. She came over and sat beside him, not knowing that she was making Wes even more uncomfortable, then took his hand in hers. "Wes, what's wrong?" Jen asked him. "Nothing," Wes said. Unfortunately, Jen knew he was lying and confronted him. "Wesley Collins, I know you're lying. You think I can't tell when something's bothering you?" Jen replied. "Why do you even care? All I am to you is an Alex doppelganger who can fill in as Red Ranger," Wes replied bitterly. "I do care, Wes—more than you know." She decided she owed Wes the truth, no matter what it cost them. "You remember Contemptra? You asked me if I had a personal reason for defeating her. When I said I didn't, I lied. The reason I was so eager to defeat her was because she had the attention of the one person I had begun to care about as more than a friend—you. I love you Wes," Jen replied.

Wes was stunned. Jen loved him? He loved her deeply, he knew that, but he'd never expected that she'd love him back. He'd always thought that she'd loved Alex, but here she was telling him that she'd had a crush on him instead. Jen then confessed that she'd wondered what it would be like to kiss him, to touch him, to actually have a relationship with him. They both realized that they had to take advantage of the time they had together, so they finally gave in to their desire and kissed each other passionately. It was only when their hands started roaming that they realized how far things had gone. "We can't do this Jen. If Time Force found out, we could both be in huge trouble. Besides, what if you got pregnant? Katie, Trip and Lucas would notice right away. You wouldn't be able to fight—" Wes's protests were cut off as Jen kissed him. "I'm willing to take that chance if you are. I want to be with you before we have to be separated. All I want is to be with you the way I've wanted to, just once," Jen said. Wes was scared, knowing what might happen if he agreed to this. Finally, he gave in, wanting to be held and loved for himself for once in his life.

Jen went off to change and found an old mattress that was still in pretty good shape—as well as some old blankets—in a closet. She dragged them out so that they wouldn't have to be on the floor and went back out. She came back in some very revealing clothing she'd brought with her from the year 3000 and found Wes already on the mattress, completely naked under the blankets. Wes took in the sight of her and swallowed hard, knowing what was to come. He looked so nervous that she asked him what was wrong, and he revealed that he was a virgin. Jen told him she was too and he took some comfort in knowing that she was as inexperienced as he was, but still had a lot of anxiety. She climbed in beside him and kissed him senseless, her hands roaming over his body. Wes suppressed a groan as fiery tingles spread throughout his whole body. His hands roamed to her breasts, kneading them and then sucking each of her nipples, making Jen moan with pleasure. Her hands roamed lower, finding his most private part. She took it in her hand and slid her hand up and down it, making Wes gasp at the sensation. She then took it in her mouth and suckled him, at which point he nearly lost it. He immediately felt his body harden as she aroused him more and more. He was at the edge, when Jen stopped. "Ready for the final step?" she asked him. Wes gripped her hand tightly and gritted out, "Just do it." They both braced themselves as Jen lowered herself onto him, taking him in fully. Wes let out a cry as she took in all of him, then when she'd adjusted to having him inside her, Wes began to thrust into her slowly. He built up momentum as his passion and hers grew. He was nearing the brink again and his thrusts became faster, harder...he was almost there. Finally, his body tensed and Wes let out a long, passionate cry as he released into her. He collapsed in exhaustion and immediately fell asleep for about fifteen minutes.

Jen looked at her sleeping lover, unable to believe that this was the spoiled brat son of a billionaire that she'd been unable to stand all those weeks ago. He certainly had changed. He'd become a serious, dedicated warrior and an extremely passionate young man. She knew she'd never love another, only him, for as long as she lived. She laid her head on his chest and waited for him to wake up. He finally did and she asked him how it was. He had been scared, he admitted, but he'd enjoyed it immensely. She looked down at him and said, "You know, I've always heard that the first time it's scary and you don't enjoy it, but it gets better every time after that. I've always wondered if that was true." "You want to find out?" Wes asked. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you," Jen replied. "I'm game if you are," Wes replied. So they lay back down and proceeded to make love again, Wes crying out as he climaxed for the second time that day. Finally, they both collapsed on top of each other again, their bodies intertwined.

Jen woke up a few moments later to the sound of her morpher beeping. Wes was still zonked out, so she got off of him, pulled her clothes on, and answered it. It was Katie, calling to tell her they were coming back and that they'd be there in about fifteen minutes. Jen went to wake Wes up, told him what Katie had said and told him to get dressed. He did and they sat there holding each other's hands and kissing until the others got back. When they finally did get back, they were pleased to see that their plan to get Wes and Jen together had worked. All was well again until Jen and Wes found out that Lucas and Trip had placed a camera inside the clock tower, which transmitted everything the two lovebirds were doing. Fortunately, Katie had interrupted the feed before the two had gotten intimate, so their lovemaking remained a secret. All, the same, Wes and Jen chased Trip and Lucas around the clock tower until they all got tired. Jen destroyed the tape, much to Lucas's dismay and threatened to get him another date with Nadira if he ever did anything like that again. As for Trip, he was let off with a warning. From that time on, Wes and Jen no longer hid their feelings from each other, and when the time came to go back to the future, Jen was allowed to stay with Wes. She eventually married him and they lived happily for the rest of their lives.

****The End****

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