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I keep forgetting I'm no longer on earth, I'm in space as a member of the Terraforge. The Tarraforge was created to do just as it sounds, forge other planets to be like earth. It was created to spread our species throughout the universe, but now we are all that is left of the human race. I'm Awan Baird reporting in as member BB721 of the Terraforge, humanity's last chance vessel. Everyday is clock work, everyone has a job, even the children. Nobody is sure, but we all think the ship is falling apart. I'm an engineer working in sectors 7-29, minus 24. Sector 24 was "let go", but the rumors say it fell off. It happened 2 years ago, it was in the middle of my sleep time, alarms had gone off. I woke up to hundreds of people in panic; I looked out the window to see thousands floating away, cut off, abandoned. Among the people, on sector 24, was my mother. My mother was the last of my family left with me, now my home is gone. The older people, that were on Terraforge, were on sector 24; now it's a younger generation, besides some of the crew. I'm 28, first years of my life seemed to be so short, in comparison to these last 5 years.

A heat wave struck the earth, just when we thought heating wasn't a problem. Scientists had proven global warming wrong, when a large heat wave from deep in space hit the earth. We had created two Terraforges, the first fell back to earth. Both ships were created to go in different directions, for long distances, at high speeds. We were forced to lunch premature, so when we launched the total members of our crew, was a few less then 52,000. After losing sector 24, and after current other deaths, we only number a few more then 34,000. The human race is dying, and we can't find a planet to live on. I'm afraid I will see the last of the humanity. I keep dreaming of earth, of the peace we had in those last few years. I remember my family, my friends, my mom. I awake every day to see I'm in space, and every day to remember the peace is gone. Sometimes I wish I never climbed aboard this ship, sometimes I just want to open the hatch and let myself fly out. Peering out into the deep abyss of space, this ship is going to be the death of the human race. The captain keeps telling us to keep our spirits high, that we will survive, that we will make it. I want to believe him, the crew wants to believe him. Life out here feels like trying to evade the inevitable; something we can't escape, but keep trying. We shouldn't be out here, what did we do to deserve this?
Marie Ferguson is a doctor, I had to visit her today. A fuel line exploded, 3 injuries, 2 casualties, now the human race, becomes only a few numbers. Marie is nice, compared to some of the other doctors. Marie is always zipping around with a smile on her face, kind hearted and caring.
"Marie, can you patch me up again?"
"You know it, always glad to fix you up, sweetie."
Then I get back to work. 10 minute patch up, back to work, work 18 hours, eat, sleep, repeat. Rations have been cut again, to expand the time we have. We use to have 3 meals a day, now we get less then half. The ship encourages fasting. I eat a whole meal, every other day; I set it up with a Jackie smith, a former friend of mine from earth...
"Hay jack"
"Hay Awan, here's your food, I'll join you at that table, in a minute." She points to the nearest table.
Sitting I look at the people on the ship, the moral is gone, it has been this whole time. People like Marie and Jackie, give me hope.
"So how was your day?" Jackie interrupts my thoughts.
"Another fuel line broke."
"Another one?! That's six in the past nine days." She's worried, but manages to remain an optimist. "Don't worry, we'll fine a planet, before anything to severe happens."
"What if we don't?" I keep asking myself this question, it's good to ask someone else, but I know what it means.
"We will, I promise you." She reminds me of my mom, always hopeful.
"How can you promise that?"
"Because I have faith in this mission, in our captain and crew, in this ship. Because we have to make it, it can't end on this ship."
I lay in my bunk, wondering what a planet would even look like, wondering if our species could even survive on another planet. Would this planet be like earth? The ocean? The trees? The wind? The quiet calm breeze threw the low valley? I hope so, I can still imagine all these things. Sitting in a rocking chair, outside my moms house when I was a kid. I miss earth, I want to go back. The over head speaker came alive a second, the captains voice spoke; an instant the whole ship came to life, such a joy we never thought we'd have again. The caption spoke, "attention, all hands to stations, we have located a planet, and will be ready to land in 72 hours."
It was then, I was up. Sleep is no longer required, I'll sleep on the grass, by a river. I dreamed of this day for so long, this is our new earth. I knew exactly what I needed to do, I ran to engine room 17, prepped the landing control. I turned to David, and yelled, "it's happening!"
David is a tall black man, plays the guitar when he isn't working. Right now everyone is working, but David has his guitar for our new home, our new earth.
"I know, I've already prepped the stationary suspensors."
David and I were also friends in earth, we'd go to the local bar ever other day. David is an easy moving guy, but today is different, today is better, today is our freedom.
71. There's a celebration, We are eating whatever we want, dancing, singing, everything. David is playing his guitar.
43. We can see the planet, out the windows, now; it's beautiful. A sight I never imagined I'd see again. It reminds me of my space training, months before the earth was destroyed. I would look back and see the earth, so beautiful, so quiet, peaceful and calm. It will never be earth, but it's going to be home.
37. The captains voice on the over head "we are now nearing the planet, 37 hours till we land on septim five."
12. We're getting ready to enter the atmosphere, the planet looks like earth, it's gorgeous blue and green colors.
"Less then 12 hours."
"We're going home," I said to David "I can't wait to live." The ship started into the atmosphere, it started to shake as expected, then the alarms went of. Sectors 7, 19, 25 and 26, were ripping apart!
"What's happening?!"
"The ship can't handle the pressure of the atmosphere, it's taring apart."
Panic struck.

"Awan start up the front thrusters. David forward power to arc blockers. Allen reposition rear and side thrusters, boosters, rockets. I want all stations manned, we need to slow are approach to the planet. we may need to put her in orbit. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, DO I LOOK LIKE IM PLAYING!!" 

Frantic, hectic everyone running around, working, moving... This is it, were all going to die. parts of the ship are tearing off from everywhere, we cant slow our approach for anything.

as parts of the ship tear apart, our sector starts to violently shake. I hear explosion, fire, people dying, then its black...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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