10 Things That Make Me Happy

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Author's Note: It's taken me forever to actually post this. I kind of kept forgetting about it. Sorry!

Hey guys! I was nominated by Straw_Stuffer_3 to post 10 things that make me happy and then nominate 10 more people. If you're nominated, you can just post it on your message board, put it in a book, or create a whole new book for it. So! 10 things - here we go!
(And these are in no particular order)

1. My family. I love my parents, my older brother (who acts like he doesn't like me but we all know he secretly loves me), my younger sister (however much she makes me want to kill her), my two baby brothers, as well as my extended family. They are all so funny, and I love spending time with them.

2. My wonderful boyfriend, Shawnee. He is just so supportive of me, and he loves me in every way. We have our ups and downs a lot, but it's okay.

3. My faith. I hate to sound cliche, uptight, or stuck up in any way, but I love Jesus. I serve an awesome God, and I am just so blessed each and every day.

4. My friends. God, I love my friends. Some have been around longer than others, but they all just keep me laughing and smiling. They're the best people around.

5. Writing. Writing and being imaginative just makes me so happy. I get so excited when I come up with a new idea, and I love translating my visions into words so I can share them with all of you.

6. My views. It makes me absolutely ecstatic when I see that more and more people have read my books, and when I get comments and messages about how much they enjoyed it, it always puts a smile on my face. So thank you guys for reading. You're the best.

7. Music and playing guitar. I absolutely love music. I love singing and playing my guitar. It's so fun to dance around my room like I don't give a care in the world, and I just feel so powerful when I play my guitar.

8. Cute animals. Okay, I bet you were thinking this entire thing was going to be super down to earth and emotional, but no. I have to tell you that I practically die with happiness when I see cute animals. Just UGH !😍 (pardon my nonsense interjections and my emoji...if you can even see it).

9. Movies. I love me some good movies (I know that's improper grammar, but this is really informal, and I'm southern.) As a theater student and a writer, I love a good film, and not just the story line. Aside from plot, my favorite aspects of a movie are things like soundtrack, lighting, and scenery. I honestly have to say that even when movies have kind of crappy plots, the soundtrack, settings, and lighting kind of make up for it for me. But a good movie will have all of the above things mentioned absolutely on point.

10. Acting/Musical Theater. Acting is so fun and exciting, and I love getting to be on stage and playing different types of characters. And it's even better when you get to sing and act at the same time! It's an awesome feeling to just perform and make some magic, and it's the best feeling in the world when people see your show and are blown away by how good they think it was. It's just an incredible feeling to see your hard work pay off like that.

Thanks for reading guys. Now for nominations.


1. jc83189

2. katrocks247

3. xXBeautifulFighterXx

4. makeandoffer

5. LovableMonster

6. xmagicalx

7. eavesdrop_

8. JessGirl93

9. swingsets

10. TheSkyisLimited

And my 11th just because I'm a rebel and I wanted to do 11.

11. bethers135

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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