sad and happy

116 2 0

Pinky:HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

Jeff:shut up

Pinky:fine *bitch*

Sally:so any requests?



You:it's fine maybe we can do another activity


Pinky:OK so what is it?

You:we will ask you stuff and you will say the truth if you don't we will make you kiss Jeff's foot

Pinky:how would you know if I'm lying or not?

Slendy:we have a lie detector if you lie it will damage you and since your very strong I'm gonna put the danger into Max level

Jeff:yes this is gonna be good

Pinky:OK fine let's start
(The following is the truth about the author)

Jeff:did you ever had sex??!?!?

Pinky:hell no!!!


Sally:do you have a crush and tell us who it is

Pinky:yes I have a crush he's name is kirito but kirito is he's fav character in an anime he said I can't tell he's name


You:what's your favorite subject at school?

Pinky:science,recess and time to go home


Ben:what's your deepest fear

Pinky:well I'm fine being alone and the dark is a little creepy and blood is lovely for me so I think my deepest fear is bugs!


Pinky:actually *talks about lot of science craziness*




You:maybe we should add kirito to our story



*my crush comes out of the portal*


Kirito:is she OK

You:yeah she's fine maybe you should carry her to her room and sleep with her cause there's no more room in the house

Kirito:OK then......*carries Pinky and sleeps with her*

You:now let's move on oops it's time to study shit!!!! Sorry I gtg

Everyone:bye munchkins!!!
Anyone watches Sao here if you do have a cookie and a hug XD

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