Chapter 1

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A/N: this is unedited stuffy stuffs so please bear with me through possible grammatical or spelling errors I may make. You can comment on them if it makes you feel better. I may or may not fix them depending on if I have time or not.


"Violet!" I whipped around to face whoever called my name.

"Yeeeeeees?" I asked, skipping up to one of my best friends, Nathalia.

"Have you seen Fred anywhere?" She looked slightly concerned. I didn't know why, Fred was, after all, one of the Weasley twins, and was always off pranking someone or making new stuff for their joke shop.

"No, but he's probably with George deciding who to prank next." Instantly she relaxed back into the bubbly, joyful, Thalia I grew up with.

"Okay, I'm gonna go find Dani. See ya in Potions!" She waved and ran off to find her twin. I waved back and walked into the Great Hall, laughing a little.

"VIOLET!" Khloe screamed, effectively waking me up. I groaned. It felt way too early to wake up. I rubbed my eyes and dragged myself out of bed.

"I'm up!" I yelled back.

"Geez Vi, no need to yell." Reina informed me as I walked by her room. I stopped to do a little rage dance.

"But- sh- you know what it's too early to care." I heard Reina laugh at my hatred of mornings. I decided to ignore it, and shuffled into the kitchen.

"Good morning Sunshine!" Emma greeted me, with way too much cheerfulness.

"Mornings are never good. They are the bane of my existence and I could care less if they went and died in a hole." I started making some coffee and grouchily sat on the counter, waiting for it to be finished.

"Agreed." Zara said as she joined me on the counter. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I gently rested my head on top of hers.  I stared off into space, the dream I had last night slowly coming back to me.

"Whatcha thinking 'bout Vi?" Camryn asked as he walked in.

"Hmm?" I was lost in my thoughts, and hadn't heard his original question.

"I said, whatcha thinking about?" He repeated.

"This really weird dream I had. I don't remember much but I just can't make sense of what I can remember." I replied distractedly.

"Maybe I could help." Camryn suggested, and I chuckled softly.

"Not this time, Cam, but thanks for the offer." I wasn't sure why I was turning down his help, or why I didn't want to share the dream I had, it just felt like something I shouldn't share.

"'Kay. Coffee's done." He turned around and started walking towards the coffee maker.

"COFFEEEEEEEE!!" I squealed and jumped off the counter, beating Cam to it. "No sir, you are not getting the first cup of my coffee." I said and booty bumped him far enough away from the coffee maker that he couldn't reach over and take it from me. In the background I heard the thump of mail being pushed through the slot on our door and falling onto the carpet.

"VIOLET IT'S YOUR TURN TO GET THE MAIL" Mom yelled down at me.

"GOT IT!" I shouted back, and shuffled over to the front door, slowly sipping my delicious cinnamon coffee. As I got closer, I realized the stack of mail was rather large and the envelopes seemed to have come from the same place. I reluctantly set my wonderful coffee down, picked up the stack, and leafed through it, trying to figure out who got so much mail. There was thirteen letters, one for each of us but Mom. I wondered what they could be as I ran back into the kitchen.

"Guys! Guess what?!?" I asked everyone that had made their way downstairs. Most of them rolled their eyes.

"I am not going to guess, just tell us." Rubi replied impatiently.

"Fine. We all have mail! From the same person!" I started bouncing on the balls of my feet, filled with way too much excitement and energy.

"Who's it from?" Cyn asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"I dunno, but it's written in the same green ink, and its the same handwriting on everyone's." I shrugged and handed out the letters. "Should we wait for Mira, Rory, and Kaliah?" I wondered aloud. Everyone nodded.

"MIRA! RORY! KALI! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE!" Dani yelled up the stairs, and turned back to the rest of us, who were looking at her with a little surprise evident on our faces. "What? Someone had to, or they would have taken forever." We all nodded in agreement, and, sure enough, they came pounding down the stairs.

"What's up?" Mira questioned. I pointed at the letters meant for them.

"Letters for everyone." Once they had grabbed their letters, I ripped mine open, and everyone soon followed suit. There was a few minutes of silence as everyone read and processed their letters.

Finally, Reina broke the silence. "What the bloody hell is Hogwarts?"


A/N: sorry this is so short and doesn't have much Harry Potter stuffy stuffs in it, but it seemed like the right place to stop. I'll update as soon as possible, but I have no idea when that will be as my schedule is fairly full with homework and color guard. Anyways.....

Love y'all


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