Chapter 1

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Angelie and Alex took a stroll in a very well known mall around their area. They walked around many store. She would often stop at stores like Hot Topic and Victoria's Secret looking at clothes her boyfriend couldn't afford and he would drift off her side to see shoes and the occasional video games that just brought out the nerd in him. They walked around for a while longer until Alex got a call on his phone, it was his mother, Stella.

Stella: Hello?
Alex: Hey mom what's up?
Stella: You guys still at the mall?
Alex: Yeah, where else would we be at?
Stella: Well, I'll pick you guys up around 6:30, drop off Angelie at her house and from there we head home.
Alex: I thought I was gonna take her home?
Stella: Yeah, but I talked to her mother just a while back and she asked if I could do that cause as you know, there's a storm coming.
Alex: No, its OK, I'll walk her to her house and use my skateboard to get back home.
Stella: Are you sure? I don't mind picking you guys up, you know.
Alex: Its fine mom, I'll go like I told you.
Stella: Well OK, let me know when you drop her off ok?
Alex: Yeah, I'll call you.
Stella: OK, I love you and be careful.
Alex: I love you too and I will.
He hangs up the phone and turns to his girlfriend.

Angelie: Baby, maybe we should do what your mother suggested.
Alex: Don't worry princess, it'll be fine, we have to start doing things this way now. Its best for the both of us.
Angelie: Well, OK then, but why don't you just let mom drive you home if that's your case?
Alex: Cause then their would've been no point in coming with my board.

They kept walking for a few more hours. As they were leaving the mall, they noticed it was already pretty dark out, they hurried back to Angelie's house as fast as they could. This, of course, was no convince, it was actually a part of Alex's plan to strengthen the bond between Angelie and him by having him protect her upon dropping her off. Obviously seemed like a dick move and all but his intentions were sweet and caring.
Upon arriving at her house, they sat down at the table and arranged something to eat. Throughout this time, the sky began to get dark and cloudy. Not long after, the outside of Angelie's house sounded like the sky was falling. A very very harsh rain had dropped from the sky, making it impossible for Alex to actually ride home on his skate board. Angelie turned on the TV and put on the news to see if this was all just part of the clouds the storm was dragging in.

News reporter: Here we can see Erika moving into our area, I know last time I said it would be a while before she got to us but it seems she sped up and has reached us unexpectedly. We advice you to stay in your houses, don't risk heading out as there will be very little visibility. Also Thunder storms are expected for this afternoon, please take caution and care for your safety. There's a death tole of about 3 people and 7 dissapeared. Lastly, please expect the storm to knock the lights out, as it is indeed a very strong storm. We'll do our best to keep you informed on the situation.

Angelie's mother (Claritsa) and father (Richard) had actually heard the news, they had already called Alex's mother, telling her that he'd be staying with them until the storm blows over. This would have been the 5th time he's slept over, so the rules were already pretty clear to both him and Angelie. He would sleep in the living room, on the family couch. There would be no excessive kissing or anything that would otherwise bring them to sex. Alex got a blanket and a pillow from the closet in their hall. As he got comfortable in the couch, his phone vibrated, a message, from Emilio (Alex's best friend)

Emilio: What's up bruh?
Alex: Nothing much, I'm stuck at Angelie's until this storm blows over, how bout you?
Emilio: I just got dumped.
Alex: What did you do?
Emilio: Me!!!!
Emilio: Why do you assume it was me who did something?
Alex: So this time it wasn't your fault?
Emilio: I umm... Didn't say that.
Alex: No surprise there, what happened?
Emilio: Well, we were fighting again and umm... I might've said I had much rather be single than to be with someone as annoying and clingy as her...
Alex: You're a jerk dude.
Emilio: Hey! You know I hate clingy people, WAYYYYY too much attention.

Just then, Angelie comes downstairs where Alex is supposed to be sleeping.

Angelie: Alex? Are you still awake?
Alex: Yeah babe, I'm texting Emilio, What's up?
Angelie: Do you think I could sleep down here with you? The thunder scares me...
Alex: Yeah, its OK, just let me say goodnight here OK?
Angelie: Yup.

Alex turns back to his phone

Alex: Hey man, not to spoil this conversation or anything, but I'm going to bed now, I'll talk to you later
Emilio: Angelie's scared, ain't she?
Alex: That's correct, talk to you later.
Emilio: OK, talk later.

Angelie had already brought down her own pillow and blanket. She quickly cuddled up next to Alex, as close as possible. The lighting made Angelie hold on tighter and tighter on to Alex, the made her uneasy and having someone to keep her safe was sort of reassuring for her. However, she didn't immediately fall asleep. While huddled up to him, she kissed his face constantly without stopping, played with his nose and hair and began talking about the most random things. Although tiered, Alex stayed up listening to every bit of her randomness. He then began noticing her talking becoming less and less, her will to stay awake next to her boyfriend on that cold night, began turning into a desire to sleep by his side on that cold night. He kissed her forehead as gentle as possible so that she'd stay asleep and then whispered "goodnight my princess" as he pulled her head into his chest and wrapped her up with both the blankets and his arms.
Creeping in the stair way were Angelie's parents, supervising the whole thing. Claritsa tugged on Richard's shirt and gave him the "let's go upstairs" sign.
Once alone, they began talking.

Richard: I don't get why every time he stays over she goes downstairs to sleep with him.
Claritsa: Honey, you're over reacting. Alex has respect for us and our daughter. If that wasn't the case, do you think he would've stayed up through all her talking and then kiss her goodnight the way he did?
Richard: I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't cross the line.

(He sits down on his bed)

Claritsa: Oh honey

(She gets behind him and begins hugging him in that position)

Claritsa: You remember our first camping trip right?
(Richard smiles as he kisses her hands)

Richard: How could I forget.
Richard: It was when I first kissed you.
Claritsa: And....?
Richard: The first time I slept besides you.
Claritsa: And.....?
Richard: Am I missing sonething? What else did we do that day?
Claritsa: You said your first "I Love You".
Richard: You were asleep, how do you remember that?
Claritsa: I was actually pretending to sleep
Richard: Really?
Richard: Will you pretend to be asleep today too?
Claritsa: No "Mr. Smooth". We're both going to bed, its too cold for this.
Richard: In that case, I'll go see what these too are up to.
Claritsa: Honey, both of them are sleeping, something we should be doing.
Richard: I'm just messing with you Honey.

Richard gets in bed where his wife turns her back to him. He pulls her close and wraps her with the warmth of the sheet surrounding them. Then he kissed her shoulder and whispers "Goodnight my love" into her ear."

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