The First Date

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"Right, okay. You're unattached, just like me." John Watson couldn't have been more explicit. "Fine. Good."

Sherlock Holmes's heart had jolted, alarmed, then swiftly recoiled to safety.


His signals immediately switched from green to red, bypassing amber completely. "John, um... I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work and while I am flattered by your interest I'm..."

"No. I'm not I was just saying. Its all fine." John had crumpled, backtracked. Possibly misled by Sherlock's earlier text.

Could be dangerous. SH

Flirtation wasn't unfamiliar to Sherlock, a practical resource to be used economically when necessary to obtain the required outcome. It had always worked with Molly.

Could be dangerous. SH

Sherlock had texted that phrase frivolously at the time, only later realising what an understatement it had been. How desperately he wanted Doctor John Watson within arm's reach, yet it was clearly going to be safer to keep him firmly at arm's length.

Any closer could be dangerous, too close to his heart. It was a territory that Sherlock had no desire to either lose or find himself in.

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