The Wedding

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For the briefest moment Sherlock Holmes both forgot and remembered something simultaneously. In hindsight, he'd blame his lapse on the music, the euphoric influence of the joyous dancers.

Oh, what a night!

For a split-second his autonomic nervous system had got the better of him. Heightened sensitivity as elevated amounts of noradrenaline were delivered to the sensory regions on his brain's cerebral cortex. Adrenaline released by his adrenal glands raised his heart rate and tensed his muscles in preparation for physical exertion.

A rhythm nearly embedded itself and caused him to sway and be a part of the crowd. Almost dance like a normal guest, instead of just painfully enduring John and Mary's wedding.

Then Sherlock's steely, logical brain had intervened and curtailed his body's instinctive reaction to the music and dancers.

What was he thinking?

Dance alone?


Sherlock observed himself on the periphery of other people's lives. On the outskirts, despite being in the middle of the dance floor.

How Mycroft would mock if he knew of Sherlock's secret weakness for dancing!

How Mycroft would guffaw if he knew that Sherlock's heart was painfully disintegrating as John slipped further away from arm's reach.

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