Chapter 4: Overtime

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Jerry looked at the empty desk where Kate was suppose to be. He wanted to see her in her office because he wanted to discuss why everyone was missing. Kate walked in. She explained, "I just dropped your buddies off in the middle of nowhere. By the way, you are in charge of doing their chores around here while they are gone." Kate handed Jerry his list of chores. Jerry was furious.

Jerry's chores:

•Jerry- Clean out the pot from yesterday's sushi
•Stacy- Refill gas tanks in the hover cars
•Nickie- Sweep the cloning room
•Merci- Mop the cloning room
•Lu- Clean up the mold
•Nico- Dust the food lab
•Nick- Clean up acid
•Zoey- No chores (FOR TODAY!!!!)
•Jordan- File research papers in the drawer

Jerry started the list.

The first chore was cleaning out the pot from yesterday's sushi. You don't even make sushi in a pot! Somehow, Alice did. Jerry looked at the horrendously messy pot. Jerry, knowing the pot was never going to be cleaner, just threw away the pot. He said to himself, "I'll just buy Alice a new one."

The second chore was to refill the gas tanks in the hover cars. Jerry couldn't find any containers filled with the needed gas anywhere. There was a note on one of the hover cars:

Dear Stacy,

It is your week to refill the gas tanks on the hover cars. They take a precise type of gas.
They only run on AutoTechno Gas-O
It can only be bought at AutoTechno stores. AutoTechno is a very expensive brand, so I attached an equivalent of $3,000 paid for by the government. DO NOT LOSE THE MONEY! If you do, the gas will have to be bought out of your own pocket

-Your fellow hover car driver, Nixon

Jerry looked at the front and back of the note. No money. There was a stack of cash held together by a rubber band sitting on the hood of one of the hover cars. It was sitting in the exact place where Jerry picked up the note from. That must be the $3,000. Jerry's hand shook. He was afraid to try to pick up the money. His shaking, clumsy hand knocked the stack off the hover and onto the bouncing floor of the hover car course. The course was made bouncy in case of the emergency of a crash that they wouldn't hurt themselves falling from the flying vehicle. It bounced right into a vent. Farewell to Jerry's paycheck for the next couple years! Jerry bought the gas, and it came out of Jerry's paycheck.

The third chore was sweeping the cloning room. He easily did that.

The forth chore was mopping the cloning room. Jerry made the mistake of mopping the entrance first, next the area with all the controls, then the area where the cloning machine was. As Jerry tried to leave the cloning room, he slipped by the controls. He reached for something to hold onto and stop him from falling. It just so happened to be a lever. The lever that turned the cloning machine on! The cloning machine wasn't even ready to be testing! It cloned the soapy water beneath it. It malfunctioned by repeatedly cloning the soapy water. Jerry escaped the flooding room. He looked back. The room was now filled with soapy water! Jerry told himself, "Well, at least the whole room is getting cleaned."

The next three of his chores were in the food lab. The first of the three was to clean up the mold. Jerry looked around. Where was the mold? There was a sink in the corner of the room. Inside was a large squishy mass. Jerry gasped at it. THAT was the mold he needed clean up?! Jerry closed his eyes and tried to imagine happy thoughts as he picked up the blob and threw it in the trash. The second of the three chores was to dust the food lab. It seemed legibly clean enough to look like he actually cleaned it, so he skipped that chore. The third of the three was to clean up the acid. There was a transparent water cooler filled with neon green liquid. That must be it. Jerry flipped the little opening switch without thinking. The acid poured onto the steel floor and are through the first layer. The second layer, luckily, was harder. Jerry found a rug in the closet. He just laid that on top of the hole in the ground.

Jerry was relieved when he found out Zoey had no chores.

The last chore was filing the research papers on Jordan's desk. Jerry was happy to find a little note where the papers should be:




Jerry happy that the work was done for him, but scared of what Kate was going to make him owe her. As he picked up the note, there was another beneath it:


Jerry got a text from Nickie:

Nickie: Tnx 4 coverin our shifts

Jerry: Just glad I don't have 2 do it tomorrow 2

Nickie: Kate didn't tell u?

Jerry: Tell me wut?

Nickie: We r coming back tonight 2 get our bags packed. We leave again tomorrow morning.

Jerry: I. Hate. U.

Jerry decided he'd just call in sick tomorrow.

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