House of Stares

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Chapter Thirteen- House of Stares

It was a very loud ringing. At first it sounded list a car horn, then a bell, but then it switched to the crash, and then it just kept repeating itself... Patricia had no idea what was going on. She immediately covered her ears. Eddie looked over at her. His arm was around her and pulled her close.

"What's wrong?" He whispered. "Why are you covering your ears?" He asked looking at her.

Patricia didnt say anything. She didn't want Eddie to know yet. She just kept her ears covered. Eddie got a little worried and mad.

"Come on." He said. "We'll be back." Eddie said to everyone in the living room.

They all smiled and Eddie grabbed Patricia's hand and took her into the main hallway.

"Ok what's up? Why are you covering your ears?" He asked.

Patricia had no idea on what to say. All of a sudden, the ringing and crashing stopped. She uncovered her ears. He looked her in the eye.

"Tell me." He said.

Patricia hesitated, but then she spoke.

"Listen Eddie I don't want you to get hurt. I don't know what happened but all of a sudden I heard ringing and crashing and Sophia was staring at me... And... And... And I don't know what to do.!" Patricia said.

She started to tear up, but no tear fell down her face.

"How? What? Why you? Ugh! I'm so confused!" I said almost screaming.

He slammed his hands on the wall.

"Come here." He said pulling her in for a tight hug. "I have no idea on how you must be feeling right now... I just don't get it." He said.

They both walked back into the living room and sat down where they were sitting.

"Oh there's one more thing I forgot to mention." Patricia whispered.

"And what's that?" Eddie asked but still whispering.

"It all started when Sophia was staring at me." She said.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Eddie bursted out screaming.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. He had no idea what to say, what to do.. He had no idea on anything. Nothing at all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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