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( kians pov )

Beep beep beep beep
Uggggh! I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock . I hopped into the shower and cleaned my body and put alittle shampoo and conditioner and massaged that into my head and after that I rinsed off my body and opened my shower door and grabbed my towel and dryer my body. After that I put on my dark wash jeans with red vans and my black and white swag tank top and grabbed my penny board and dashed out the door. I got to shop L.A. (FYI is a mini shopping center) I got some do riots and a Arizona and penny boarded back home.
When I got home I sat my lazy but on my couch and watched sponge bob and ate my food and drank my Arizona.

--------2 hours later---------------
I turned off sponge bob and got up to throw away my trash when a cop car pulled up into my driveway.



Ooh cliffhanger kinda hope you enjoyed it umm comment and vote love you byeeee

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