The Most Beautiful Moment In Life pt. 1

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Do you know how long it has been since I last saw you, Min Yoongi? Exactly three months, two days, three hours and five minutes.

Taehyung smiled softly at the darkening sky, taking in the smell of sea salt and the sounds of the waves crashing together to make a soothing sound.

Do you remember the fight we had just a week before you left? I called you obsessive and you called me clingy and it hurt both of us real hard. So hard that the next day, you broke up with me.

Birds circled on top of Taehyung's head, mocking and taunting him to follow their wings. He reached out towards them, tilting his head as he examined the blood that stained his white skin.

I was so depressed after that that I didn't want to listen to you, didn't let you in after hours of you pounding and screaming at my doorstep. It hurt so much so I drowned myself into what I knew could give me comfort; the very same razor that you had taken away from me.

Taehyung sighed softly as he let his body give out on top of the rock. The sky was a deep blue, something that he had seen in Yoongi. Tears built up in his eyes but quickly disappeared; "Yoongi is dead."

Do you remember the last words you whispered through the phone that night? How much feeling you had poured into that message, even though your voiced cracked and whined and begged to stop. Those cliche words bringing the whole story to the end.

"It wasn't you, it was me. I'm so sorry Taehyung. I love you- no.. I need you...,"


Concerned friends gathered at the sand beneath the cliff, staggered breaths and rapid beating hearts. They watched as the male stood up and dust off the debris off his pants. "Come on, Tae, come down!" one of them yelled. Taehyung turned to face him.


Your last word to me was goodbye and it didn't startle me at all. In fact, the way you said it- so calm and relaxed as if being free from some type of hell was what caught me off guard. Then you hung up the phone and I rushed to your apartment as fast as possible.

But instead of getting greeted by a sobbing, sorry boyfriend, I was face to face with blazing fires and firefighters yelling. There was a deafening ringing in my ears and my world seemed to dull when they pulled out a body bag. They rushed passed me and I got a glimpse of who was inside..

It was you.

He pulled down his hoodie and stuck his arms in the provided pockets. "Hurry up, Kim Taehyung! You're making us nervous!" He simply blinked at them, a wide, sorry smile replacing the automatic grin he had earlier before.

Taehyung neared the edge despite his friend's desperate plea. "Yoongi wouldn't have wanted this, Taehyung!" He froze in his spot, the name suffocating him quickly. He shook his head, feeling a breakdown coming close.

"No.. He would want this.. I killed him and I deserve hell for what I had done to him."

Min Yoongi, do you remember the first time we met? You were in the recording room and I was coming by to pick some lyric sheets my friend had left. You were so clumsy and cute and I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. And when we really got to know each other, you told me you were a pyromaniac and I told you I cut my wrists every night. We promised each other to help fight off our bad habits; and for the most part it worked. And then we told each other secrets from the past. You said you never wanted to lose another person from a stupid mistake and I said I had wanted to kill myself before you came into my life.

It's ironic isn't it? You died cause of a stupid mistake and now I'm here contemplating if I should jump..

Min Yoongi, I'm sorry. You needed me more than ever and I didn't let you in. I shut the door right in your face and called you a liar, a stupid kid who had dreams that would never come true. I needed you too, you know. But I'm an idiot. It was an alien feeling to have someone care so I just wanted to be left alone. But you took it the wrong way and look where it took us?

You're dead,

and I'm standing on a cliff nearing the edge.

All I can hear is my breathing.

My friends are yelling at me and all I did was

smile at them.

And he jumped.

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