The Pool

207 14 24

(Your P.O.V)

Storm and Mike had just gotten back from their shift, still refusing to take me with them. After they had slept for a bit, Storm came into the living room and sat next to me. 

"Jesus fuck I'm bored.." She sighed, kicking back in the chair.

"What should we do then?" I asked, turning off the TV.

".....Pool?" She asked.

"HELL YES!" I exclaimed, jumping up and running to get my swimsuit.

I grabbed my suitcase and dug through the clothes, pulling out a (f/c) (f/style) swimsuit/bikini/tankini/ whatever. I smiled and ran to the bathroom, pulling it on and doing a twirl, checking myself out in the mirror. I threw on my clothes over the top, walking out to see Storm and Mike. 

"You good to go?" Mike asked.

"Yup!" I smiled and followed them out to the car.

~~~Le magical timeskips. Here, have a cookie and a Vincent...~~~

We arrived at  the pool, parking the car and jumping out. I speedwalked into the pool building and straight into the locker rooms, giggling like a five year old.

"She is literally 5..." Mike chuckled.

"You didn't have to live with her in your teenage years.." Storm smirked

(I just did a workout and it huuuurt)

(In the pool, still your P.O.V)

I smiled as the cool water swirled around me, lowering myself into the water. I grinned and swam lengths before bumping into someone as I was doing the backstroke. I stood on my feet and turned to face him. "I'm so soooorrryyyyyy....." I trailed off as I got a look at the guy.





The man chuckled. His voice was low and gravely, and it sent chills down my spine.

"No need to apologise, love~" He smirked. I felt heat crawling up my neck as I stared at him. He had a strong build with broad shoulders. His chest was well toned and not too skinny, and not too fat. He had opaque eyes that gave off a dim glow. his smile was charming and sensual and his teeth were pure white. Some stubble grew under his chin, giving him a more refined look. All in all, he was a very handsome guy

"See something you like?~" He smirked. A blush rose to my cheeks and I rubbed my arm awkwardly. I heard movement behind me and saw Storm and Mike.

"Vincent." Mike nodded. Storm just folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Vincent chuckled and swam away, getting out of the pool and winking at me before disappering from sight

"Who was that?" I questioned. Storm sighed.

"That was Vincent. He takes the night shift with us sometimes." She shook her head while Mike had an angered expression.

"He's a fucking pervert and is insane, so don't go around talking to him, ya hear?" Mike told me sternly. I nodded frantically, yet the purple guy still intrigued me.

Fuck the police Ima talk to him.

Skyward (Vincent x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now