The Truth

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James's POV

I had the feeling that Hayley was hiding something from us and why was she at the house of two originals

I was asking myself this all the way to the house and then we got out of the car, once we were inside the house I made my way to the fridge and took what ever I saw first and that was cheese, well I had to eat sooner or later

I looked at Jacob who was deep in thought and I decided to ask him my questions"um... Jacob, don't you think that Hayley was acting weird tonight"I asked as he snapped out of his thoughts"no, why do you ask"he raised his eyebrows"well, every time I took a glance at her she would be holding her stomach and she didn't look to happy to see us"I sat by the fireplace "yeah I noticed that too but I think that she is just so surprised to see us"he said and just shrugged"why was she at their house, is she friends with them"I preferred not to call them by their name"I don't but whatever it is we are going to find out and please don't jump to conclusion"okay I do that sometimes but how are you going to get answers without accusations"fine I won't "I yawned and we got to our room and we said goodnight to each other and went to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a big day


I woke up and took a shower, dried my hair, put on some clothes on and I saw that Jacob was still sleeping, I smirked and rubbed my hands together, it was pay back time

I was going to flip him but"don't even think about it"how the hell did he know I was going to do that"how did you know"I was truly stunned"I heard you rubbing your hands together and when you do that you are planning to do something mischievous" he got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower

I went to go eat cereal until I heard him come down the stairs"took you long enough"I said as I cleaned my bowl"well it takes a lot of time to make this hair look like this"he pointed at his hair and I rolled my eyes at him"are you ready to go" I dried my hands and he nodded

We got to the car and stove to their house, we heard that she lived there, I wonder why she lives with them

On the way everyone we saw was either whispering or looking at us and I just smiled and that's when we got to the originals house

I knocked and we waited and then the Klaus, yeah that's his name opened the do and he saw us and smirked"uh look at this, the twinsies are back"he said and if the was the possibility to kill him I would have." We are here to talk to Hayley, is she here?"Jacob was sounding calm, maybe that's what his doing to not show that he is nervous or afraid

The guy opened the door more to let us go through, I was the first one to go through and I saw Hayley and I walked over to her and said"I thought we were best friends"I instantly laughed at her reaction and hugged her and so did Jacob"now, back to business about you being pregnant"and that's when Jacob gave me a look and I tried to avoid him"seriously, pregnant, I thought we said no jumping to conclusion!"he shouted"wow you should take a chill pill, and it was the only explanation"I shrugged and turned to Hayley but he didn't stop talking"um... Hayley can you tell this idiot here that you are not pregnant"he said as he looked at her also

She avoided our gaze and at that moment, Jacob's eyes grew larger that a cartoon fish"you are pregnant!"he shouted and whispered at the same time and the two brothers were looking at us like we were a show"ha told you, but wait if you pregnant then who is the father"she looked straight at the Klaus dude and I just stood there shocked and so was Jacob"he- um... he is the father of your child"I pointed to him and he just smirked"yes"she spike for the first time since we got here"okay then"Jacob said and I looked at him, I knew what he was doing, we were going to discuss this when we were alone with Hayley"seriously, you not mad or anything"she asked, yeah sometimes we are judgemental"nope, it happened there's no going back now"I shrugged and hugged her and then turned to the father"now you better take care of her or else I would find something that can kill other than a white oak stake"I was smiling the whole time and it was creppy

"And that goes to you too"I turned to the Elijah guy"you have my word"he said"good now Hayley we will be going"she look disappointed that we were leaving"why"she asked"well people kept looking at us as if they have never see twins and they would be curious why we were here"Jacob explained"they are looking at you because of Marcel"who the hell is Marcel, by the look on my face he added"he is the 'king' "he said"okay whatever he is saying make him stop or people will lose heads"Jacob said, okay sometime he even scares me

We waved goodbye to Hayley and got out of the house and when to the bar where our old friend worked, we stepped into the bar and we saw and we ordered drinks from another person and walked up to her"Jacob and James Claire and I see that your name is Sophie Devaroux"I smirked and Jacob laughed"Jacob and James I haven't seen you in a long time, why are you here?"she asked"we have business here"I looked at her then she dropped the topic"we'll I'm glad you are here"she hugged us and we waved goodbye at her and then we left

Hey guys that chapter 3 for you
I am not going to follow the series and you will see that some people who are supposed to be dead will not be

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