Spirits part 1

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A/N references/cameos of other cartoon characters will happen in these two chapters.

It had been 4 days already, and Bashful and Sneezy were already out of worms. They found more dirt, but it had less worms than the other dirt pile.

But there was another problem, there wasn't any water.

The two dwarfs were lucky to find worms, it didn't quench their thirsts of course, but it kept the saliva coming.

Both dwarfs were thirsting to death (popularmmos joke), well, not to death, but pretty bad. They panted like a dog taking a walk on a sunny day.

"Sneezy, let's try using your nose as a water dectecter," Bashful suggested.

This was then first time the dwarfs used his nose like other objects, so Sneezy took no offence to Bashfuls suggestion. He nodded his head and started sniffing.

He then felt something a little moist go into his nose. He sneezed "Bashful, I felt something wet, I think we have a trail."

The shy dwarf grinned knowing that water was going to be near.

But it wasnt.

The 2 dwarfs searched for hours, but to no avail.

The dwarfs sat to take a break from walking. Their feet ached like crazy.

"Sneezy, I'm sorry to say this, but maybe some dust went in your nose, or you imagined the moist thing go in your nose." Bashful sighed.

Sneezy let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry Bashful, I...I....I swear I felt something moist, but I guess I'm going crazy."

Bashful frowned at his companions shame. "Don't be sad Sneezy, I bet I would've done the same thing."

"But dude, he wasn't, we left those moist flakes for them." Said an unknown voice.

Bashful and Sneezy freaked out, mostly Bashful. They tried to hide, but its a cave, where were they supposed to hide? They then heard a groan.


"This guy blows a teams cover more than me, and that's saying something."

" *magic sound* *zipper sound effect* quiet you fools, we're supposed to be silent."

"Aw common, I make mistakes all the time *tripping sound effect* like that".

"Come on, we have to stop fighting..."

Bashful was cowering in fear, he almost peed his pants. He screamed.

The fighting stopped.

"Uh, Sneezy, in think I made them mad..." Bashfuk squeaked. He then hid behind Sneezy.

"We're not mad at you," said one of the voices.

"Well if you aren't mad, show yourselves," Sneezy stuttered.

There was a long silence, before the mysterious voices showed themselves. One of them was human, but her skin was an orangy color.

The 2nd was also some sort of weird human. She was short, and had purple skin

The 3rd one was also human, but she had regular skin, and a beutiful blue dress.

The 4th figure was a blue unicorn.

The 5th one was a turtle, standing upwards like a human, and the last one was a small blue thing about three inches tall.

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