Field Day & Gay Support

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****Okay so i stole this from Latoyaloves story Suffocating in the closet which is very gud read, and um yea enjoy( the stars are for the mobile readers :) )****

“Alright time for the school Field Day!” Red yelled excitedly twirling in the air, his entire body swirling in a spiral.

“Why you are so excited about this is always a mystery to me,” Kelly said rolling her eyes and walking down the hallway of the school. They were at Kelly’s high school, North Star Academy College Preparatory in Newark, New Jersey. They just finished with the new building, and it was the last day for all students. They stayed in the old building where the walls were naked because they were stripped of all the motivational posters and pictures of students while they were diligently working in class. There were what seemed, a hundred students walking all around the school talking with their friends, signing the field day shirts and yearbooks. Kelly walked wearing her burgundy North Star shirt, and her brother’s brown khaki shorts. Red was flying in air next to Kelly’s head in cat size, with a burgundy scarf around his neck. He would occasionally wave at any other dragon that he’d see, or wink at a dragoness. All around them each student was accompanied with a color coded field day shirt for their team, and they all had smiles plastered on their faces while they were talking.

“Because I can go around and have fun with humans and other people,” Red said flying along side with Kelly.

“Red you are 32 years old, you’re happy about hanging out with children?” Kelly asked confused.

“Yes, they are so much fun, and I’m technically 16 in dragon years so ha, take that,” Red said fluttering forward.

“Hey did you hear that Jackie is a lesbian,” some random girl said running up to them.

“So what’s your point?” Kelly asked.

“It’s nasty, can you believe that she could look at us when we’re in the locker room?” the girl said.

“Sweetie, that’s her business, it’s not like she said anything to you, so get over it,” Kelly said rolling her eyes and walking away from her.

“Oh boy,” Red said looking forward to see Jackie being verbally attacked by Lisa and Maria the “mean girls” of the school.

“So is it true, Jackie? Are you really a lesbo?” Lisa asked, her hand on her hip.

Kelly heard Jackie groan and then covered her face with her hands.

“Lisa, what are you talking about?” Shannon asked.

“Don’t act like you don’t know,” Maria said. “You’re her best friend, I know you knew Jackie likes chicks.” She laughed her evil laugh. “You guys probably have gotten busy, haven’t you?”

“What’s it to you?”  Kelly asked walking to stand in front of Jackie and Shannon blocking them from the girls.

“Kelly, hey we didn’t see you there,” Maria said backing up slightly with fear in her eyes.

“Yeah, so if I wasn’t there you would have just you know, chastised her for being gay?” Kelly asked crossing her arms.

“No, but it’s disgusting she likes girl,” Lisa said defending her friend.

“So when has that ever become your business? Before today none of you knew that she existed, now that ya’ll know she’s a lesbian she’s interesting and disgusting,” Kelly said.

“But we have a right to know,” Lisa said.

“Fuck no you don’t!” Jackie yelled in an exasperated tone. Shannon patted her back and brought her into a hug to calm her down.

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