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Staring up at the ceiling

Its 4am and I can’t fight this feeling

keep feeling like a prisoner

No window opened once life shut that door

Feeling I’m gonna explode

Can't handle all this pressure and work load

As every day is passing

The prison walls keep closing in

And I just wanna runaway

Can’t handle this anymore, not another day

I really need to runaway

There is no reason here for me to stay

If only I could runaway

Underneath the starry sky I wanna lay

Feel the soothing wind on my skin

Say the words I actually mean

too long, just goo long

I've been searching for a place where I really belong

The world is too complicated for me

I've longing for too long to be just me

I really need to runaway

I can’t stand it for one more day

what choice will you have when life turns a prison

no comfort no kindness from a single person

I'm not trying to walk away completely

Just need to find some peace to see it all clearly

seeking some solace in the middle of all this mess

I make mistakes, after all I'm just made of blood and flesh

And I wanna runaway

I'd give my life for freedom, even of a day

Cuz I need to runaway

To be me till the end of my days

If I could runaway

I would give anything to find a way

to fix this mess and start all over

Not to drift away from but to be closer

So just let me runaway

Cuz this isn't the end, I'll find another way

remember, tomorrow is always a new day

So just let me... Runaway...

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