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Konichiwa! I skipped into the bright, shining, nighttime, city. I couldn't believe that I was attending Metro High School! It was probably one of the best in all of Japan! I was so excited for the friends that I was going to make! I took a quick walk on the shining city street. It was so beautiful! My new high school was going to be so cool! My new house was right up ahead. I couldn't wait for the next day, 18/10/4015. The new iPhone 3257 is coming out and I'm going to get it! My great grandmother x1500 gave her daughter her iPhone 1 so everyone since passed it on to each-other as a family heirloom. I also have her iPhone 5c with flappybird! Do you know how much that's worth now a days? It's basically like one of the rarest things in the whole universe! I couldn't wait to use that to take my notes in school the next day. Anyways that was my daily entry for 18/9/4015! Oh yeah wait! I forgot that I needed to prepare for 18/11... Apparently that's the date that the world trade centers were crashed into by evil magical unicorns... I feelt bad for those people who lived back then. That must have been sad, watching your favorite buildings get bombarded by unicorns. Those things were horrifyingly evil. Evil I tell you! I was attacked by one that morning, but that's a story for another day. Sayonara!

A/N the page is written on the right side because that is how they write in the year 4015.

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