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On the northern border of the Kingdom there lies an impassable mountain range known as the Dragonspine Mountains, due to the abundance of dragons nesting in the peaks of the mountains. The Dragonspine has many low altitude bowls spread out within the expansion of mountains, whose forrests support enought wildlife to keep the dragons feed and happy. Due to this dragons rarely venture out of the boundaries of the dragonspine.

The peaks of these mountains are said to have the richest mineral deposits in exsistance. All maner of precious metals can be found even at the base of the mountains. It is said that magical metals like mythril, adamantite, and orichalcum can only be foundin the dragonspine.

This has led to countless villages spurting up arond the base of these mountains. Of those villages many fell prey to bandits, while others to forrest dwelling monsters like goblins and dire wolfs. It would not be an exageration to say the villages that have managed to survive have done so because of the fortress city of Stonestead. The garrison of knights in Ironspine keep are dispatched on regular patrols to subjugate hostiles in the surrounding forrests.

In Holden, a village just barely on the edge of Stonestead's territory a baby was born to a guard and a mage apprentice. This baby was the most peacful baby the town healer had ever seen. The baby didn't cry at all, but niether giggled or cooed. As soon as he was cleaned off he was moving around and giving his mother a hard time, even crawling a few inches.The healer was quite suprised. She had never seen a newborn have such vitality, however this one had bounds of energy compared to normal.

That is not all that was abnormal about this baby. He possesed mirror like iridescent silver eyes, and a gaze strong enough to mesmarize even an armored bear. It would truly take all of someone's willpower to avoid getting pulled into a trance due to that gaze.

In a few minutes he calmed down and settled into his mothers bosom and fell asleep. With this the mother smiled and stroked the childs head.


A year later a mage in the dragonspine felt a surge of pure magic power unlike anything he had ever felt. It was so massive that it knocked him out when he felt it. He wasn't awake to hear it but it was accompanied by twin dragon roars.

Two massive dragons clashed in the sky above the largest bowl in the dragonspine, the one that happened to be the closest to Holden. One polished argent the other deep crimson, fire and lightning flashed between them as tooth and claw tore into flesh. Massive shockwaves slammed into the surroundings as the two dragons clashed, violent enought to outright kill smaller creatures in the immediate vacinity.

This battle was so violent that even other dragons retreated in fear. None of them wanted to get in between these two ancient dragons. All of the movment of dragons caused panic in the creaturea in the dragonspine causing a mass exodus.

The displaced creatures posed no threat to dragons, however some could be classified as disaster level magic beasts by the humans. They radiated outward away from the terrifying clash of titans. Headin straight for Holden. The guard in thguard tower sounded the
Emergency meeting bell in his tower.

This caused the people of Holden to grab their family members and run into the town square. The guard capitan shouted that everyone needed to stay calm, but before he could deliver any more instructions the villagers saw the wave of magic beasts heading straight for them and started panicking.

As the wave of terrified beasts ran from the battle a silver dragoness was circling high above Holden, as she had been doing for the last year. She has been watching the human hatchling with the silver eyes. She had felt his unique aura since he was born and had been intrigued. As a platinum dragon she naturaly had a high affinity for lightning magic, and as such noticed right away when an unnatural sorce of magic power with the lightning attribute started to accumulate in the area around the village.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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