Chapter 1- Long Goodbyes

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"Mom.." I whined for hundredth time, "do we have to?"

She sighed in frustration and turned her head to look at me, placing a full cardboard box on a pile of others. In black permanent marker she wrote Callie's stuff. I groaned. "Callie. My new job is there so unless you want to be homeless with no money then we have to go." She said with a stern look.

"But can you not find a job a bit closer, America is on the other side of the world!" I threw my hands up in the air. "Why California?" My mother gave another long sigh.

"I've told you a million times, Cal!" She took a step towards me, dropping another box on the floor. My room looked too empty, I still hadn't got over the fact we were moving to America! I know its pretty cool, wow America. I've always wanted to go to America but not to live there! What about my friends? "I work for a car company, they're placed all over the world and now I'm going to the one in California because its bigger and better."

"Okay then. I like America, I do want to move but I don't want to leave my friends." I pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. She just laughed.

"Just don't act cute, you can't do it." I gaped at her, feigning a hurt look.

"Mom" I whined. "I am the cutest girl in the world, c'mon!" She shook her head, giggling.

"Yes darling the boys will be all over you! You're the cute English girl, just please don't do the puppy dog look, it looks weird on you." She laughed and I giggled with her, nodding. "Imagine that, wow, the gorgeous, tanned American guys on beaches.." She looked distant as if thinking about something or day dreaming.

"Mom, seriously?" I  put on a disgusted look, raising an eyebrow. She sighed and chuckled before resuming stacking the boxes. "I'm just going to visit Saph to tell her goodbye." She nodded, humming a random tune to herself. I ran downstairs and slipped on my turquoise converse before flying out the door and jogging to Sapphire's house. I ran the door bell and rested against the wall, whistling as I waited for someone to answer. There was no answer so I rang again. Still no answer. I opened the letter box and looked in. Well the lights were on. "Saph! It's Callie!" I shouted through the letter box and heard footsteps running down the stairs before Sapphire came into view. I dropped it closed and waited for the door to be opened.

The door flew open and before I could react Sapphire embraced me in a tight bear hug. "I'll miss you Cal!" She called into my shoulder.

"Jeez." I rolled my eyes. "Umm, Saph, I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry" She didn't let go but loosened her grip.

"I'll miss you so much too, Sapphire."

"Same. I'm sorry I couldn't go to your goodbye party yesterday, we were out all day." She looked at the ground.

"It's fine Saph! That's why I'm here, to spend my last few hours with my best friend and say goodbye." I smiled and we let go of eachother. "Come on lets have fun!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs. She leapt onto her bed and I sat down next to her, looking around her room. I can't believe it will be last time I will see this...very blue room. Actually it suited her perfectly, her vibrant, bubbly personality and her long, wavy electric blue hair. She was obsessed with the colour. It even suited her name! Her walls were dark blue and the covers on her bed were a light turquoisey blue with many pillows of different shades of blue. She was even begging her mom for a year if she could have blue contact lenses instead of her glasses. She didn't though, but I think she suits the glasses.

"I still can't believe you're moving to freaking America tomorrow!!" She squealed excitedly. "Oh my god! There'll be hot American guys with sexy abs and tanned and you can go to the beach! The weather will be warmer than here. You could get a seriously hot boyfriend!" I laughed.

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