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It's been...two years. Pretty crazy huh?

Last time I spoke with her was two years ago, two years felt like an eternity.

How did this all happen?
How am I here again after so long...?

I remember that day clearly, like only yesterday did it happen.

We met up again we did, under the same old oak tree in the park. It was our spot.

Every now and then we'd come here together and talk. I'd wait and she'd come over a minute or two after, sometimes it was the other way around.

We were the best of friends, never once did we miss a meeting like that, they were too important to us. When we sat down together, we would talk. It didn't matter what about, our day or our long as we were together, I was satisfied.

Sometimes she would rest her head on my shoulder and we would spend the entire afternoon like that.

It was on one particularly gloomy afternoon however, one fateful day when this all changed.
The sky was dark, and droplets of rain were already beginning to fall from the clouds above. She seemed...distant today, as if a heavy burden were placed upon her shoulder.

I was right to think that.

She told me that we couldn't meet anymore. That I...that she wasn't allowed to talk to me anymore. Her father was a protective man, and so naturally he had a dislike for other boys, especially those that her daughter had forged bonds with.
It was a few days prior to our meeting that she was forbidden to be in my company. She apologized, insisting that somehow this was all her doing. I silenced her blames, 'twas not her fault. She knew better than to question my response.

I wept.

My best friend...the only person who ever listened to me completely. The only person who truly understood me. The only person who could look at my faults and not judge. The only person who I...who I...

The only girl I had ever loved...and now I was to lose her. The weather continued to worsen, it began to rain heavily. We were sheltered under the cover of the oak above us, but it did not shelter us from the storm brewing within. She cried with me, and for the last time we spoke. We said so many things to each other.

Words of pain, words of joy, words of regret, words of longing...anything left to be spoken, we spoke.

She rested her head on my shoulder for the final time, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. We stayed like this until the rain died, and for a while longer afterwards.

We parted ways and for two years, all was silence.

Now here I am once more. I'm staring at the clearing beneath our tree of memories. It's raining and I am getting drenched, but I don't care. My clothes don't matter at this point, all that matters is one thing. What matters is that today, it wasn't me waiting. She's standing under the clearing, and she's looking back at me. I walk up to her and I gaze into her eyes deeply. Deeper still does she return the gaze and for the longest time, silence. Finally, I uttered a word. Her name.


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