Chapter One~ Hey Youngblood

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Every beginning has an end.

At least that's what the world thinks.

But when Fall Out Boy announced they were coming back together, the world started to think differently about endings.

Maybe things never truly end. Sure they may die out and people may not talk about it but it will always be there in the shadows, in the textbooks, in the past.

Maybe I'm just rambling.

But that's how people felt about Rock and Roll. Maybe this time there will be an end, or maybe it's just dying.

Either way, Fall Out Boy came back to the world with one goal in there minds.

To save rock and roll.

The brief case they were given when they made the announcement was supposedly very important, like super important. Like White House important.

Rumor has it that the brief case holds the thing that can save or kill rock and roll.

Either way it was important.

And when Patrick got a call from Pete saying light is coming out of said brief case, well that isn't a good thing.

I felt someone nudge me and looked up to see Patrick in his cute lil fedora and glasses with a worried look on his face. "Hey I gotta go, Pete just called and said the brief case is acting up." He kissed me on the forehead.

"Be careful," I whispered.

Honestly whenever they mentioned the brief case chills went down my spine. I didn't trust it. I mean c'mon who would? What would you do if Brendon Fucking Urie just walked up to you, handed you a brief case, and said "this will be the most important thing you ever get. Be careful and DONT GET IT STOLEN!"

Yeah you would feel uneasy too.

I heard the car leave meaning Patrick left and I was home alone.

But then I heard something.

It sounded like footsteps.

"Patrick," I called out. No one replied.

I quickly got my phone and clicked Patrick's contact name.

Patrick: Watch out

The footsteps got closer and closer as I finished texting Patrick. I quietly got up and went into the closet Patrick used.

As I figured I heard the intruder open my closet first. Then I heard another set of footsteps.

"She's not here," person one said.

"Oh shut up Arizona, she's here I know it."

Arizona sighed. Then the second pair of footsteps, who's name I didn't know, started to walk towards where I was. I put my hand on my mouth and slowly sat down, blending in with the many shirts and fedoras Patrick owned.

This is how I am going to die. All because Patrick had to leave for a fucking brief that I wasn't even supposed to know about.

After what seemed like hours but was probably seconds, I heard the squeak of the closet door being opened.

I didn't move. I didn't flinch. I didn't breath. I was hoping that maybe if I act like I'm not there I won't be there. But that wasn't the case.

Because they intruder saw me.

This is how I am going to die.

Hello guys! So I am writing a fanfic based off of the Young Blood Chronicles by Fall Out Boy.

The narrator of the story will be explained as the story goes on.

For all we know it could be fucking Elisa

*spoiler* it's not

I hope you guys enjoy this journey of wonderful references and love story and sick minded thoughts!

Stay amazing Youngbloods

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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