Welcome Everybody

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Grace: Welcome everyone to Pokemon truth or dare!

Iris: Say what now??

Grace: Everyone come sit in a circle.

Paul: This is lame. Take home.

Grace: *grabs Paul and shoves him down *threatens everyone else with a pitchfork *they all sit down

Grace: Wonderful!

Serena: crap, Grace is an Amourshipper, I'm so dead :(

Grace: The rules of the game are no chickens, everyone has 2 participate, and if u must swear, bleep yourself out.

Misty: like this? BLEEEEEEEEEP

Grace: Yes, thank you Misty

Grace: Just so everyone knows, these are all if Ash's traveling companions and a couple other peepoes.

Ash: Hullo

Everyone: Hai

Grace: k ur all acquainted now. Just btw I have set up an invisible forcefield around us that will shock u if u try to leave the Circle of Doom. Plus I will always have Larry here *pats pitchfork

Everyone: *sweatdrop

Grace: readers, you can truth/dare me if u want, as well as the other characters, but I will mainly be your host.

Brock: So the readers will be the ones daring us?

Grace: yup u must do anything they say

Clemont: *gulp anything??

Grace: yes *evil laugh

Everyone: *scoots way from Grace

Grace: and with that, let's begin!

Grace: Plz comment truths/dares below!

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