Host Club Chaos

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A/N: Hai I'm alive 0v0 I made a super long chapter as an apology for not updating

A/N: Okay so I couldn't resist basically making an entire chapter about this dare. (I absolutely love Ouran btw) XD Sorry if you haven't seen the show, (WATCH IT) this probably won't be as enjoyable, but it's basically about a club of handsome and charming boys that entertain girls for money. XD

Grace: *reads dare* Oh hECK YES

Everyone: Wot

Grace: *breaks through the fourth wall* *kidnaps Tamaki from the Ouran fandom*

Everyone: 0-0

Tamaki: PUT ME DOWN YOU- oh hello everyone

Everyone: *squints*

Dawn: Why the heck are you so tall

Ash: Where's his Pokemon?

Drew: So fabulous... 0o0

Grace: Welcome Tamaki, to Pokemon Truth or Dare! We have a special dare today that required your help.

Tamaki: How wonderful! I am always willing to help poor unfortunate souls such as yourself! I am known as the... Er- king of helping people back where I come from!

Paul: Sure you are

Haruhi in the distance: You freaking wish

Iris: Well he certainly is a blabbermouth...

Tamaki: *goes to emo corner*

Grace: *drags him out* Nope! Today we need you to teach the boys to be hosts!

Tamaki: Really?! Well I can't say no to that!

Ash: Uh... what's a host?

Tamaki: I'm glad you asked! It is a group of handsome boys that girls pay money to spend time and go on dates with!

Dawn: So... prostitution.

Everyone: *uncomfortably backs away*

Grace: No it's nothing like that! *prods everyone back in with Larry* He is basically going to teach you how to be an entertaining gentleman.

Dawn: Entertaining in what way....

Grace: Get your mind out of the freaking gutter Dawn

Dawn: It's not my fault this sounds sketchy as heck.

Paul: Troublesome is right. I don't know if I want to get involved with that kind of club.


Paul: Whatever.

Tamaki: Anyways... Our first lesson is conversation!

Ash: Wut now

Tamaki: Ah! Take this young man for example. As you can see he is quite uneducated in the magic of words.

Ash: Hey now-

Tamaki: I am going to pretend to be your guest and I want you to make some polite and interesting conversation with me.

Ash: Er- okay... So... Uh.... how about those Donald Trump tweets?

Everyone: *facepalm*

May: Really Ash?? Politics?

Drew: That was absolutely Hillaryous

May: ...

May: ...

Arceus: ...

May: Did you just-

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