Tom Hiddleston One Shot: Letting Go

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A/N: This one shot is dedicated to the lovely marahiddlesgd (on Tumblr), who provided me with the story prompt :)


"So that's it?" She avoided his eyes, her fingers drawing circles on the pillow. Her sight was all blurred by the tears which she's struggling to hold back. She's having trouble making herself heard. Her voice sounded hoarse from all the yelling and crying and pleading in the past hour.

"Kate..." Tom deliberately kept his distance. On any other days, he'd have rushed to hold her in his arms at the first sign of her being upset, to let her know everything would be okay, and he'd always be there for her. But not today. He might as well stab himself in the heart with a dagger but he chose to do something even more painful: "Yes, Kate. That's it."

She thought she was out of tears but there they went again. Her sleeves were already all soaked and she's desperately searching for a dry spot to catch the teardrops.

Tom sighed in defeat.

"Here." He went to fetch a new box of Kleenex, and placed it next to the empty box and the many balled up tissues.

The nice gesture hurt her even more. Obviously he still cared about her.

Yes, he still cared.

That thought filled her with a sudden burst of energy. Not to the point of being able to stand back up, but enough to allow her to speak properly again. "Tom, look at me."

He kept his head down, refusing to turn around.

"Tom, please."

"Please don't make it any harder." He whispered, as if it was a prayer.

She's not backing down. "I don't believe you. Look me in the eyes when you say those words." She breathed through her teeth, "Look at me, and tell me you don't love me."

He shook his head, his eyes still fixed on the floor. "Please, don't start again. You know this is for your own good."

Her voice was getting stronger as she felt her pulse rising again. She hated to pick a fight, but she couldn't help it. "You're not even giving me the right to decide, Tom. I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to go out with you. I knew about all these...crazy stuff. I don't care about the paparazzi, I don't care about those mean tweets, I don't care about your travels!" She panted. Crying wasn't helping with her breathing either. "All I care about is us." She pleaded again, "Tom, look at me."

Slowly, he turned around.

He had been crying too.

He finally looked at her, with his red puffy eyes. "Kate, darling. You deserve better. I don't deserve you."

She cut him off, "Don't give me that bullshit. Jeez, do I even have a say in this?"

Tom frowned, in agony, " You can't stay in a relationship when one half has decided to quit."

That's it. Frustrated, Kate picked up the tissue box and threw it at Tom, hard. He didn't even try to dodge since he "deserved" it.

"Get out." She growled. "GET OUT!"

Tom took half a step toward her in reflex, but he stopped himself. He took a deep breath, swallowed every word he wanted to say, stole a last sad glance at Kate, and walked out the door.

He closed the door behind him ever so gently, but the sound would forever echo in both of their hearts. 

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