Tom Hiddleston One Shot: Gin and Tom-nic

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Swirling the clear liquid in your glass, you can't help but let out an exasperated sigh. This pub is dead but you'd rather be here than in your tiny flat. It's not the size that matters, it's just that there are so many...memories of Jon. Yes, the breakup was ugly and yes, it's been months, but it's as if he's now haunting the place. He's tainted your home but you simply can't afford to replace all your stuff, let alone giving up this flat when it's so close to your work and the landlady has been giving you such a great deal with the rent.

Seriously, where else would you rather go? This place gives you comfort - this is the pub where Jon had his arse kicked and got thrown out. Who are you kidding? You love this place. Just one more gin and tonic though, then you'll head back home.

You get the attention of the bartender, "Another one, please."

He nods, expressionless, and scampers off to make your drink.

Sigh. Still, everything is so lifeless with this pub. But since Jon swore he'd never come back again - even though it was just a weak comeback from him as he's blacklisted anyway - it's the perfect place for you to be.

The young man returns swiftly, slips a coaster on the counter before he puts the glass down. "That'll be -"

"It's on me." A man suddenly appears by your side and hands over a tenner to the bartender. "And keep the change."

You are quite taken aback but you give him an onceover to see if you want to talk to him: young man in his thirties, well-groomed in a blazer and dark jeans, confident and seems to be from a well-off family, considering his nice accent and posture.

"Hi." He turns to you and smiles before you can say anything.

You smile back and twist around to face him, "That was smooth. That was very smooth." You chuckle, "and thanks."

"Oh, for what? I thought the drink was for me." He giggles at his own silly joke, "Eheheheheehee! Just joking." He places his beer on the counter, and helps himself up the stool next to yours. "My name is Tom, by the way." He stretches his hand towards you.

"Lauren." You shake his hand, still chuckling, and still in shock that a guy like him would walk into a pub like this and buy you a drink.

"So Lauren," he takes a second to come up with something to say. "How's the gin and tonic here?"

"It's uh, it's good." You smile and nod, your chin moving in a way that makes you look like a funny parrot.

"I should try it out next time then." The contagious grin stays on his face. "Do you have any recommendation for the food here? I'm starving."

Wow. You think to yourself. This guy is real smooth: he hasn't only got you talking to him, he might actually get you to stay for dinner with him too.

But he's not the only one who can play this game. You shake your head at the memory of Jon, and then a sudden sense of adventurousness comes to you. "You're starving?" You smirk.

He nods.

"I know a place."

You know you're being crazy, but you think it's about damn time you do this. It's your favourite spot but Jon ruined it. And you haven't been back since then. Everybody knows that the best way to heal is to replace the bad memories with new ones. And this Tom would be the perfect excuse.

You can't help but laugh when you see Tom's eyes widen at the sight of the bowling lanes inside the restaurant.

"Wow, I've been in London all my life, but I've never known such place exists!"

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