Chaper 2

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Hiro walked Isabelle home and took her up to the front steps.
"Well, uh, I hope that, um, you have a good night." He looks down
Isabelle smiles " I had a great time." Hiro pulls his head up and kisses on the cheek
Isabelle goes inside and starts dancing not noticing her dad was there.
"Heey Dad..."
"I don't want you to see that boy anymore... He is a bad influence on you. Now go to bed" her dad says dead seriously. Issy's mouth drops open and she can almost feel her tear ducts working over time. So she just nods and goes into her room.
I am going to see Hiro

The next day she wakes up and she looked as if she had been binge drinking the night before. She grabbed a cup of green tea and slowly wakes up. Then she puts on a frilly white skirt and a peachy floral blouse and curls her hair neatly with a touch of mascara. Her dads at work so she skips down the path to the bakery. She says hi to Hiro's aunt and goes up stairs where Hiro is working on something.
"Whatcha doin?" Asks Issy, Hiro turns around and goes a bright pink
"Oh, uh, umm, well I am actually making a miniature Baymax. My brother Tadashi made one but it's really big so I bought maybe a down size would be good you know?"
"So are you going to be doing that all day?" Asks Issy a little disappointed
"Oh, um no I'm almost done maybe another half hour then we could go to the aquarium if you want." Issy smiles brightly
"Sounds perfect" Hiro smiles now
"Great have some breakfast and I'll meet you down stairs" Isabelle turns and leaves. Hiro now frantic looks through all his draws for something half decent to wear. He end up pulling out a dark blue polo shirt and nice pair of jeans. He then goes into the bathroom and brushes his teeth and tried to gel his hair. He slipped on some nice sneakers and cologne and went down stair. Issy stood up and they walked out of the bakery chatting normally. Hiro took a short cut through the botanical gardens and they were all alone. Quietly Hiro slipped his fingers in between Issy's who smiled and blushed instantly and looked down at the ground. When they went out of the gardens the bought a ticket to go to the aquarium. They looked through the tanks at octopuses and beautiful coral. Majority of the time Hiro was actually looking at Issy but he enjoyed the view all the same. After that it was past lunch so Hiro took Issy to a little coffee shop surrounded by pink cherry blossoms all in bloom. Isabelle had some risotto while Hiro had a mini stake sandwich. The sun was beginning to set so they both walked through the cherry blossoms as their flowers slowly drifted and they were bathed in the Orange and pink sunlight. Hiro wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked home.

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