CHAPTER FOUR Mistakes Happend

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...All we could do was sit in the car and watch, what was supposed to be our cabin, burn down.
I know Jackie we will call the ranger station and see if we can get a cabin."
"No mom there's a ranger behind the cabin. I can see him on the top of the hill."
Dad had seen the ranger and got out to talk to him.
"HEY!" He yelled
"What happened?"
The ranger looked towards dad and jumped off the incredibly steep hill side. Dad ran towards the hill side and turned around with one of his "what the hell just happened?" Faces
He came back to the car and told mom that he "VANISHED" when he jumped. We all went to the hill and saw that he was right, nobody there. Which was really creepy we decided to head back to the car and go home, but when we turned around...The mini van was gone. I was so confused and I didn't know what to think. I started to get light headed and I fainted.

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