2009, May 7.

4K 246 59

Hi Diary,

I can't stop smoking. The "break" I took just made me get more addicted.

Oh yeah, Toby's back with Ashley. My god, nothing goes my way does it?

So naturally, I've made up a plan to destroy their relationship. I'm going to write a letter to Ashley. In the letter, "Toby" is going to ask her out on a date by squeacreek. Squeacreek is a creek near the back of the school. Anyways, "Ashley" is going to write a letter to Adam (her ex) and tell him to go there at the same time, which is 9pm.

Okay, so "Ashley" is going to write the last letter to Toby, telling him to come at 9:10pm.

Toby will go 10 minutes later than the two others only to see them together.

Now diary, I know what you're thinking. "What if Adam or Ashley just go home after they see each other and realise that they were tricked? Toby will then, come and see that no one's there anymore." Well, that's possible, but I know something no one else knows.

I know that Adam still has feelings for Ashley, and Ashley does back. I saw them kissing just yesterday. At squeacreek.

Anyways, I got the letters ready to go so let's do this.

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