Chapter 11

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Changing into nothing and falling into bed was the best part of my day thus far. I was pissed off my car was stuck at work and I was pissed that Harry had some kind of hold on me that I wasn't used to.

I don't even know this dude, what the hell?

I tossed and turned, begging for the release of sleep. I knew telling myself to sleep was like telling a child not to peek at their Christmas presents. Impossible.

I threw back my covers and got up. My room was dark as I plugged in my Christmas lights to let a little light into my room. I sat back down on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I needed my tea.

I grabbed my familiar gray sweater and wrapped it around me as I made my way into my kitchen. I switched on my stovetop and filled my teapot up. My eyes wandered to the window as the water was heating.

Of course, its still fucking snowing.

I had no idea how I was going to get to work tomorrow. I ran my finger through my hair again and rubbed my eyes. My tea whistled and I took it off the stove. Grabbing my cup, I poured the steaming water into the cup and let the herbs work itself into the water. I took a sip and sat down on at my kitchen table. I reached over into my bag and pulled out the only thing that kept me sane.

For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

I took another sip and read until my eyes were heavy. I staggered into my bedroom and fell softly into bed. Sleep finally taking over.


"Mon cher, we cannot do this anymore."

"What-what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, mon cher. This has gone on for too long. I must return to my home, in France, with- "

"Don't say her promised, Olivier. You promised me."

"I'm sorry, mon cher."

I awoke groggy and felt restless. I hated dreaming about him too. I had enough of him in my wakeful state. I grabbed my pack and lighter and lit the end of the white stick. I walked into the kitchen and turned my phone on from last night.

I waited for it stop incessantly buzzing. I had a few voicemails from unknown numbers and a missed call from Chas. I hit redial.

"Hi there, princess."

"Who the fuck calls a girl 'princess'?"

"Well, well, well if it isn't the little stripper who needed a ride last night?"

"Fuck you, Chas, what do you want?"

"Hey now, I am calling out of the goodness of my heart to see if my little princess needs a ride to work."

I rolled my eyes and stumped out my cigarette.

"I do, actually. And do not call me that either. I work at 9."

I hung up and looked outside. It wasn't snowing but the roads and buildings were covered. My car was probably buried by this point.

But Chas had about any kind of car he wanted. His wife also had any car she wanted. I didn't fuck Chas anymore but when the winters were brutal, I could at least count on him for a ride.

I grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"Honey, you need to eat something before your classes. You've got a long day of training for the audition."

"I'll grab something on the way, Mom. Love you."

I finished the apple and threw away the core. I spent the afternoon reading and paying bills, waiting for it to be time to get ready.

I packed my bag for work and curled my hair, waiting for Chas to call and tell me he was here. Around 8:30, I heard my phone buzz.

I saw that it was unknown and ignored it. A few seconds later, my phone started again.

"What the fuck? Hello?"

"I figured you would need a ride to work. I am outside if you need."

"Uh, who is this?" I knew who it was but I had to be sure my ears weren't hearing things.

"Harry, Harry Styles. We had dinner last night, I took you home."

"You brought me home."

I heard him laugh on the other end and my mouth twitched into a smile hearing that. I quickly regained myself.

"Thanks but no thanks. I have a ride. Bye."

I hung up and grabbed my bag. I looked down at my phone. It was almost 8:45 and no call from Chas.

Fucker has 5 minutes.

I started pacing. I let the five minutes pass and called Chas. No answer.

Seriously right now?

I called again. And again. Nothing.

I scrolled through my recent calls and my finger hovered over Harry's number.

"Fuck it."

I let the phone ring and he picked up.

"Hey, sorry, think I can get that ride?"

A few minutes later, I was inside Harry's warm car. His eyes burned bright even in the dark car. His long fingers gripped the steering wheel as we drove. I couldn't help but look down and see his slender thighs and his chin resting in his hand. He had a bit of scruff and his hair was just touching his shoulders. I saw his hand move from under his chin and I quickly turned my eyes to face forward.

I was still furious as fuck that Chas never came through but being around Harry helped calm me down.

Who the fuck was I becoming?

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