Casey Redwood's Written Death

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This is my first time to write a story like this. I don't know how. It just entered my mind all of a sudden and I can't just keep it there. Please give it a try :) Don't criticize me TOO MUCH. Instead, TEACH ME :) I am still very young and I still have a lot to learn. But I'm trying :)

And I hope you get the simple lesson of the story :)

Happy reading :)


          Three hours had past and Casey Redwood had not even exercised a single muscle on her body. She had been sitting for three hours, but it seemed like she wasn't feeling any numbness in her body. Without even getting her eyes off the paper where she was writing on, she was too focused on what she was doing.

          Casey is a writer. She already had her three novels, which all sold as fast as the yoyo spins, published. But for the past two weeks, Casey had been experiencing a writer's block. But she had to write something or else she's dead meat.

          Earlier that day, Casey Redwood heard a very interesting news on their cable's most popular news program. A family of five was murdered in their own house at Portville Estates. It was a mysterious massacre. There was no witness nor any evidence left that can be used to commit the crime. A bright 'thriller' writer she is, Casey ran to her room and locked the door. She got one scratch paper from the pile and started writing her thoughts. At first, the flow of story in her mind was continuous, but as she wrote all the very little details she had in her mind, it seemed like her brain drained again. Nothing came out from it again. So she had to do her 'write-and-throw-the-paper' routine again and again.

          She crumpled the scratch paper and threw it into the trash can beside her working table. She got a new piece of paper and started scribbling. Another idea came to her mind so she let it out on the paper again. But after that, she had her 'brain-drain' again. So she had to her routine again. Everytime she thought of a new idea, her brain had to drain so she had to start from the very beginning again.

          "Casey, get out of that hell zone! Stop working and start eating! Casey!"

          She put her pen down for a while as she heard her mother shout from outside her room. She looked at the clock to find out that it was already 7 p.m. Eleven hours had already passed and yet all she had done was to waste paper and ink.

          "Come on, kid! Get out of there and eat! You cannot work when you are hungry!"

          She blinked her eyes to exercise them for a bit. She also stretched her arms and that was the only time that she felt her muscles ache. She was about to stand to take her mother's order when suddenly, pieces of pictures flashed her mind.

          She saw blood. She saw a woman. The woman got a knife at the kitchen and used it to scrape her daughter's scalp. She was walking towards a baby boy. He was crying. She carried him and went upstairs. She entered one of the rooms and woke up a little boy. Wanting to get back to sleep, he also cried. She held the baby's feet and used him to slap the sleeping boy's head. There was blood. It was flowing. But the woman smiled. She smiled. She was smiling.

          And it scared Casey.


          She was awakened as she heard her mother call her again.

           "I just left the food outside your door. Eat this okay?" And then she heard her footsteps slowly vanishing.

          Trembling, she got another piece of paper and hurriedly wrote all the things she had in her mind. She just wrote... and wrote... and wrote... Her thoughts never failed her as it was continuously giving her exactly what she needed.

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