Take one.

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The sun was rising and so was she.

Full of the groupies or the individuals who want to be known or in fact accepted. She could care less what others thought of her. But yet, always felt the urge to dress to impress.

Maybe that's just her thing they say. Who are they? Her friends. Her best friends, her social companions. Luis, Angie, Catherine, Jocelyn, and Kristy. Though Kristy doesn't attend Colten, she keeps in contact with her through iMessage.

Neither less, she was fair looking and a confident human being. Of course she had to be wearing a good outfit to boost up her confidence. Indeed she would always try her best. She was going through the "glow phrase" as they say. A phrase where society tells you "woah there you look presentable." She was the one who could easily get attached to you by the edge of your seat. She was one of the goofiest person you'll ever meet. The term "caring" filled her soul and the word "why" filled her mind.

That girl was me.

Let's be honest here. I wasn't really the "popluar girl" of their high school...but who really is? Everyone is trying to be noticed. Everyone is trying their hardest to get invited to the hottest parties. Everyone is trying to be someone their not and have people like them anyway.
Ah yes..."the like" or "the liking" that's a dangerous verb. So dangerous, girls and boys aren't even aware of the cautions.
I clearly wasn't.

This is my tale.

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