chapter 4

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I did not edit or regrammer anything so i apoligize in advance

As you where walking down the hallway, going to 5th period, you catch a glimpse of someone like Murdoc in your schools' office.

The man had different facial features. His eyes were the same color, different from Murdoc who had red and white eyes, preferably black. The man was wearing a top hat and had nails similar to murdoc. It Might be his father.

You keep staring, forgetting about going to class. He turns and catches your stare. He grins and waves, he turns to someone next to him. Murdoc. Murdoc turns his head toward his father and notices he is looking at someone. He looks in his direction, curious about what's is wrong. Murdocs face smiled with joy and ran out the office to come and hug you.

You hugged back, feeling safe from everyone and anything. You pulled away, smiling.

He looked back seeing the man walk up behind Murdoc "so is this the butterfly you were talkin' about?" He asked. He had a voice almost like murdocs, but a but deeper.

Reader POV~

I blush as he says that, why would be say that? I'm just a (y/a) year old guy/woman! And he looks pretty old. I push that thought to the back of my mind. Murdoc bends one of his knees and kicks the man behind the knee."Oi, they need to get there bathrooms checked." A man scowled, as he walks out of the men's bathroom.

"Well, well, well~ look what we have here~" the man grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.

Murdoc coughed loudly, getting the attention of both of the men, and glaring at them.

"Oh! I'm Murdocs father, Sebastian niccals" the older man said smiling a toothing grin along.

"I'm Hannibal niccals. And No-" he glares at Murdoc "I'm not a cannibal" Murdoc snickers at his reaction.

Hannibal grinned and waved. "Well-" Murdoc inturupted. "(Y/n), we came to pick you up from school/ college!"

"But, I only have 3 more classes/ periods left, pulse I'm late to class"

"Well no time to worry about that now, let's head home, shall we?"
Authors POV

Hannibal spun you around and placed his hands on your hips, close to your bottom, making you blush like mad.

Once you are outside he leans down to your ear and whispers "has Murdoc ever told you you are beautiful? Because you are"

Your face became dark red. Murdoc looked back and saw his hands and your face. He glared at hannibal, and he smiled at Murdoc.

Before you went into the car, Murdoc swung you around and kissed you. You melted with the kiss, and pulled away. Making you and Murdoc smile. Murdoc left to drive and he chuckled while he drove.

"Stop messin' with the girl, you two"

You smiled and looked out the window, wonder what his family will do to you.


Hey" I'm up and writing again! Making this really quick becaues I'm tired and all. Guess where I got lazy! Its pretty obvious.. Well thanks for reading!! d=('▽`)=b

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