Chapter One: The Beginning

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This is my first Fanfic so bare with me...

I was sitting in the audition room with Julie; we had interviewed almost 30 men to play Stefan Salvatore, my love interest. None of them had really stood out to me or Julie, until the last one walked in. He was tall, he had strikingly beautiful facial features, his blonde hair was spiked a little, and he had this look on his face that screamed Stefan. "My name's Paul Wesley." He said in a deep, almost raspy voice. It echoed through the room and I read lines with him. He was amazing, he knew exactly what to say and how to say it, he didn't even look at his lines once. "Thank you, Paul." Julie said, he made eye contact with me and gave me a small smile before walking out of the room. Julie and Kevin talked for a while about him, and how he was the only guy who actually fit for the part.

A few weeks later, he got the job and as soon as I knew it we were filming the pilot. The second his light green eyes made contact with mine, I knew there was something about him... He smiled at me, and it was as if we were really Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore, falling for each other.

"Have a good day, Nina!" Kevin said, waking me up from the memory I was replaying in my mind. "You too, Kevin." I yelled back before I walked into my trailer and sat down. That day was almost 4 years ago now, and yet I couldn't forget it. I heard a knock at the door, figuring it was Ian, I opened it quickly. "Well hello." Paul said with his full, beautiful smile. "Hey Paul, what are you doing here?" I asked him, wondering why he wasn't on his way home to Torrey. "I wanted to know how you were; you seemed a little off today." He asked as he sat down on the couch that was in front of a huge window. "No, I'm fine... I'm just a little tired." I said, lying through my teeth. I knew what was wrong, but he couldn't know. "Are you sure? Nina. I know you well enough to know when you're lying." Shit, he knew I was lying, he always did... It was kind of creepy, but I liked it. "It's nothing Paul, I promise." "If you say so... Are you going out with Ian tonight?" He asked as he flashed me his bleach white teeth. "No, he's going out of town for the weekend." I said, I sounded happier then I should have. "Oh, so is Torrey... It's her mother's birthday." "Why aren't you going with her?" I asked him innocently. "I told her she should spend some time alone with her." "Oh..." I said, ending the conversation because I didn't like talking about Torrey and Ian with Paul, it felt to weird. "Anyway, do you want to go to dinner with me? Since we're all alone this weekend..." Paul said standing up and walking over to where I stood. "Um, I don't know Paul..." I said worried because he was closer to me then I was comfortable with. "Oh, c'mon... Like old times?" He asked, teasing my back with his finger. It sent chills down my back; it also reminded me of the first year we had worked together.


"Nina, you know I'm faster than you right?" Paul said laughing and chasing after me. "No you aren't, I could out run you any day!" I said laughing back and running away from him. My room was too small for this, so I opened the door and ran down the stairs to the living room. Paul followed after me and eventually caught up with me; he grabbed my waist and turned me around so that I was facing him. Our bodies were so close that I could feel his heart beating above mine. "You smell like flowers..." He whispered into my ear, sending chills throughout my entire body. "Flowers?" I asked laughing and looking up at him. He grabbed my face, just like he always did when we were filming; he moved my face closer to his, our lips almost touching. "We can't..." I said, closing my eyes so that I didn't have to see his face when I told him. "Why not?" Because, Torrey likes you, I can tell and I can't do that to her. "Nina..." He said, his deep voice ringing through my ears. "I have to go..." I said running out of the kitchen and up to my room. What did I just do?

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