Chapter One- James

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    The cheerful chatter filled the long hallway as silverware clashed against the plates. Occasionally a scream would erupt but it went unnoticed, as did all of the rest of Mrs. Black’s crys. If someone was standing atop the tall staircase, they would think flames were bursting from the flooring. Others would know that it was, in fact, the Weasley’s. Sometimes a tuft of ginger hair would turn dark blue, magenta, or even bubble gum pink.

“Teddy, do the one that always used to make me laugh,” Rose said eagerly.

    Teddy smiled and changed from a tall, lanky, ginger boy to a short old woman with a pig snout and bright yellow hair. Giggles erupted through the room. Everyone was very pleased with him, all except one.

“Teddy, please stop. It irritates me and you know that,” The silver haired girl to his left complained.

    Teddy immediately changed back to his regular self again, looking a little crestfallen.

“Let him have a little fun, Victoire,” The man across from Victoire said cheerfully.

     She looked down a little embarrassed. CRACK!  Teddy disappeared from the table and appeared up on the stairs, smiling brightly. CRACK! He came back down to the table as if he never left.

“Showoff,” James said from his seat.

“Oh, please James. Lighten up a bit. And sit up straight,” His mother ordered.

“Don’t worry, you’ll learn,” Teddy reassured.

“Yeah, in four years,” James grumbled.

“How do you think I feel? I have to wait eight years!” Lily said.

    Trying to leave the subject of learning to Apparate, Mr. Weasley said, “So, how is this school year going? Anything interesting?”

    With that question, Fleur, Victorie, Percy, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley launched into a conversation on the importance of studying for N.E.W.T.S, while the rest of the table talked about that year’s Gryffindor Quidditch team. There had been a match a few weeks before holiday- Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw- and the adults were eager to discuss.

“Have they let any first years on the team?” Harry asked.

   He was known for asking this question every year. This time around he was late about it, being Christmas holiday already. Normally, he would send an owl around October but, James guessed he was just busy at the Ministry.

    Harry worked for the Ministry of Magic as an Auror with Ron. They often worked long hours, especially during the school year but were somehow able to remain cheerful. The same went for Hermione. She became the first muggle-born Minister of Magic after Kingsley Shacklebolt left. James frequently used his father and aunt and uncle’s jobs as a threat against other students at school.  

“No. They had a few at tryouts, though,” Albus answered.

“Who went to the tryouts?” Ginny asked.

“A few from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw but, none from Hufflepuff.”

“I heard that one bloke from Slytherin tried out and threw a fit because he didn’t make the team. He wrote to his dad and tried to make him buy the team but, his dad refused,” James said.

“Who would do that?” Charlie asked.

“Scorpius Malfoy,” Rose answered promptly.

    Ron coughed and dribbled butterbeer down his front and muttered, “Well, that explains a lot. Surprised Malfoy didn’t buy the team.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2013 ⏰

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