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This is it. Liam Dunbar definitely hated his life, from the bottom to the top, from the beginning until now, from on edge to another and it could go on and on for days like this. Liam just hated it and tried each and every day to find a way to put an end to it. Because he wasn't good enough at school, he wasn't good enough at sports, he wasn't good enough for his parents and he wasn't good enough to control his IED. And it was eating him alive. He just wanted all of it to end. Once and for all.

As he performed one more step towards the edge of the roof of his house, he heard it. Well, not litteraly, because it wasn't a "normal" sound, it was more like a fainted call, but still it keeps on and on repeating in his head. "Don't do this, please, don't do this..."

The voice seemed to trembles as the words were hard to pronounce, almost like.. Almost like if the person who said them was... Crying. Silently, but crying. And yet, Liam never heard voices, until now. "Am I going crazy now ?" he thought to himself as the voice repeated the same thing one more time. He quickly turned around, watching through the dark, expecting to see eyes, or some lights that'd show him he's not alone,and he's not nut. But there wasn't a thing. Not even a single spark. So he decided not to care and he just kept on walking, until he was on the very edge of the roof, looking down. Damn, he would never survive a fall from this high. But after all, isn't it what he wanted ?

"Turn around please.. Go back to your room.."

What now ? Another voice ? Another message ? Who the hell does not want him to do what he wanted to ? Who the hell was crying, nearly begging him not to jump ? Who ? Liam glanced upon his left shoulder, and what he saw -or what he thought have seen- cut him off guard. As he turned around, he could see an indistinct shape of a body, and by the way it looks, Liam could tell it was a man. Right after, he just found himself walking back to his room, unwillingly, but he could not do otherway. So he just decided to go back to sleep and to figure it all tomorrow. But shit, he could not find sleep, still haunted by the vision he had earlier. What the hell on Earth was that ? He tried to remember all he could, every details he noticed, the height, the shape, everything. But it wasn't clear enough to identify that.. Thing.. And that, well that was frightening to him. But he has his first school day tomorrow, so he could not allow himself a sleepless night. Even if that thing was haunting his minds, he had to find a way to fall asleep, or he won't make it through tomorrow.

But once again, Liam was stubborn, and he jumped out of his bed, heading to the roof, hoping to see it again, because it was triggering him. Who was on the roof with him ? Or what ? He had seen so many fantastical movies, read all about mythology, but as far as he could remind, nothing came close to it. It has a warm embrace, surrounding him with a feeling he never felt before, courage. When he heard the voice the first time, it came to his ears like a melody, a sad, trembling melody. But so beautiful it filled his hole body with hope. Like if he was another man, someone who could fight to reach his dreams, someone who wouldn't let anything bring him down, like if he was immortal, untouchable. But that feeling soon fade away as fast as he walked far from the thing. Then, he felt.. Empty. And he couldn't explain this as well. He felt as empty as a bottle of water without water. Like a shiny day without the sun. Like he was missing a part of him. But he prefered to believe he was crazy and all of this just happened inside is head, that he brought that up himself, that there never was such thing, that he never felt invicible. Like he wants to sees himself. A big, enormous and giant bag of shit. That felt better to his ears, more realistic, so he walked back to his bed and comfort himself with that thought as he fell asleep.

The morning came so fast that Liam didn't realized he fell asleep so quickly. He stood on his elbows, emerging from his sleep, looking around and trying to reconnect his minds. Liam got out off bed and took his clothes, before heading to the bathroom and tunring the hot water on. He slipped under the sream and let the water fall off his chest, trying to forget yesterdays thoughts. As he washed his body clean, Liam tried to remain calm, stress starting to overwhelm his thougts. He didn't wanted to start a new year in another school. He knew he'd blew it, like every other ones he's been to. He wasn't very confident regarding the social aspect of it. He never had been the type of guy to go and talk to everyone, he was more of the shy ones, hiding in the tiniest corner he could find, trying to avoid every look he could get and that would made him feel unconfortable. Furthermore, he prefers to avoid contact with others because he can't really know when his I.E.D would shows up.

As he tried to ignore his fears, Liam caught a towel and wiped away the water, after he had stepped out of the shower. He then jumped into a white trouser and a black shirt. Not very elaborate, but he was no kind of fashion victim. As long as he had a shirt and a trouser to hang out, he was happy. Clothes wasn't his cup of tea, an old hoodies would perfectly fit in, as well as a jogging trouser would.

As he ran downstairs to catch some fast meal, he bumped into his sepfather who was drinking his cofee. The collision had Dr. Greyer (this is how his stepdad wants Liam to call him) spread his cofee all over his shirt.

"_Shit man, can't you just watch out what you're doing ?

_Sorry, I'll be more careful next time..."

Liam's voice was low and trembling as he feared his stepfather's reaction. Which was not long to get out.

"_There's no "I'll be more careful" dude, you should have been now, you see what you've done little bastard ? Now you gonna get it all cleaned up or else you now what to expect.

_But Stev... Dr. Greyer, I have to go now I'm... I'm sorry, really, I'll clean it up tonight if that's what you want but..

_No no no, you are not getting out until you made up your mess. You thought I would let it go and just go to work like this ?

_Or you could just had changed your shirt.."

Those words, as low as they were, had the effect of a dropped off bomb and that, Liam knew it. He raised his arms to protect his face from Dr. Greyer's fist. He knew he had gone too far and he knew he would not be in time at school. As his stepdad started to beat the hell out of him, he did what he does best : letting himself falls on the floor, pretending he had fainted. It always worked and this time was no exception. The Doctor saw the kid on the floor and decided he had enough lessons this morning so he grabbed his suitcase after he changed his shirt and run out of the house, right to his car.

The moment he heard the car going away, Liam stood from the floor, bringing one of his fingers to his lips, trying to keep the blood from pouring down. He quickly went to the bathroom, glanced at the mirror to see how he looked like. And it was bad. He had a bruise on his collarbone and his bottom lip was bleeding open. He made his best to stop the shiver that took his body from head to toe as he stopped his lips from bleeding, then, a quick look at the clock on the hallway wall and Liam was gone. He was running has fast as he could in his conditions to be at school before the lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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