Chapter 1

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A/N i decided to edit this story since i didn't wanna delete it..i have so many ideas to this story lol, this fan-fiction won't be on hold any longer (I hope).

-Sasukes Pov-

Today in class is really boring, Kakashi's teaching the class on how our body works and stuff like that, nobody doesn't really listen, they all end up falling asleep or they walk around the class and talk to their partners/friends. But like usual, he doesn't give a shit if we fail the class or not. How can Principle Tsunade not do anything about it?

"Everybody!! listen up!" Kakashi yelled while everybody groaned, i just sat in the back of the class looking outside the schools window. "And that includes you, Mr. Uchiha" i rolled my eyes.

"Lunch will be in about 5 minutes, if you can finish this simple question from the board, you can get out of this class, understood? Oh and this is your exit ticket, once you're done put it on my desk." he finished talking and sat on his chair reading some book he always brings to read.

Everybody including me finished the exit ticket and left this shitty class. I went towards the cafeteria and got my food, i usually sit and eat alone on the rooftop which is way better then being around noisy people. But today i didn't feel like going up there and eat, instead i lost my appetite and threw away the food. I went to one of the classes and took a quick nap before the next period starts.

About 20 minutes past, 5 more minutes till lunch ends.


After lunch ended, the next class starts in 10 minutes,which is gym, gym is something you'd want to enjoy, but with a weird teacher and a lot of girls that won't leave you alone, it ain't that comfortable.

Sasuke got to his locker before anybody else did to theirs and got his gym clothes. He looked around the room to find where to change, once he found a perfect spot he started to strip off his school clothes and started to put on the gym ones.

"That's huge, don't ya think?"

"Tch, Sai what do you want?" i straightened up from tying my shoes and looked at the person in front of me. "And what are you talking about?"

"Your shirt, it reaches up to your hips" he said with a fake smile of his.

"No, it fits fine, don't you think your shirt is too short? i mean it almost looks like a fucking crop top" i simply said pointing it out. "Or is it?"

"What? no it's fine! by the way class starts in 2 minutes". he said and jogged away.

I sighed following behind.


"Okay class! today we are gonna--"


School was over for today, it was quiet and peaceful just the way i like it.. calm, I stood still on a grassy hillside under a tree viewing the white clouds. It was just after school but the day was perfect, not as perfect as i thought until I heard someone calling my name. Running up the hill.

"Sasuke-kun!" It yelled but I just ignored it.

'Tch, it's Sakura again, when will she ever understand that i have any interest in her'. i sighed 'She's not my type.'

"Sasuke! why are you ignoring me, at least pay me some attention for once!" She whined tugging my shirt's sleeve harshly.

'Ugh I can't stand her she's so annoying'.

I forcefully turned and glared at her "What do you want now Sakura? Can't you see I'm busy" i jerked my arm away and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You call watching the clouds busy?" i looked at her serious "S-sorry, but well um to what i came for, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" she said twirling her blossomed pink hair.

I took a deep breath "How many times do i have to say this? The answer is no."

"Aww c'mon Sasuke, I know you wanna g-"

"I said No! and that's final" I growled and walked away, but before i disappeared from her sight i said "And don't make me repeat it" and disappeared.

-Sakura's Pov-

What's his problem? Why does he have to be mean all of a sudden. He's such a jerk, but a dreamy jerk. Though, I want him so badly, but i don't think he gets the idea. I know he's told me to stay away from him and that he has no interest in me and blah blah but I don't care what he says. I know I'm not as cute as the other girls in school but I only want Sasuke and I want him to want me too, but when I try to get his attention, he ignores me like if i'm not there, wait a minute maybe he' no that's not it. Even Karin try's hard to get him but he just isn't into it. I guess I have to try harder to get him to want me. 'And think hard Sakura think!'

~Later that day~

-Sasukes Pov-

Should i at least give her a chance? She bothers me every single day, but maybe when i'm in a good mood, pft, i doubt that i'd ever be in a good mood. 'Oh shit i forgot i need to buy some grocery's for breakfast tomorrow'.

While running towards the market I saw Kakashi and Iruka making out, 'When will they ever get a room' i said to myself. Once i was done with the market i ran home, once i got home, i looked at the time and it was already about 8:30. I put the vegetables and other ingredients and stuff in their places.

"*Sigh* well I guess I'll have to go to sleep now" running from the market is pretty tiring. I went to the bathroom, stripped my clothes off and took a quick 10 minute shower. I got out of the shower and dried myself, even my hair. Once i was fully dried i got dressed and brushed my teeth. After i was done i went to bed. But couldn't really sleep, it's too early.

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