♡ Special ♡

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Hallo! Hier ein kleines Spezial, da es nun das 10te Kapitel ist! 'Leider' ist alles in Englisch, weil 1. Ich finde nicht alle in Deutsch und ihr wollt euch sicherlich nicht meine Übersetzung reinziehen und 2. es im Englischem einfach viel besser klingt. Nun hier habt ihr all die Farewells der Doctoren bevor sie regenerieren :) (nunja so in etwa)

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9th Doctor:

"Before I go, I just want to tell you: you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!"

10th Doctor:

*last scene with Rose Tyler*

Doctor: *makes a sound*
Rose: "You're alright?"
Doctor: " Yea."
Rose: "Too much to drink?"
Doctor: "Sort of that."
Rose: "Maybe you should go home."
Doctor: "Yea."
Rose: "By the way, happy new year!"
Doctor: "And you.
What year is this?"
Rose: "How much did you drunk?
*Doctor is quiet*
2005, January the first."
Doctor: "2005. I bet your gonna have a really great year."
Rose: "Yea?"
Rose: *smiles back* See ya." *goes away*
*the Doctor is in the Tardis and cries a River*
Doctor: "I don't wanna go."

11th Doctor

*Clara comes into the Tardis*
Clara: "Doctor!"
Doctor: "Hello."
Clara" "You are young again. You're okay? You didn't changed your face."
Doctor: "Ha!
It started. I can't stop it now. This is just the reset. Whole new regeneration cycle.
*Doctor eats fish fingers and custard*
*Clara laughs*
Doctor: "Taking a bit longer. Just breaking it in.

It all just disappears doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment like breath on a mirror.
Any moment now, he's a coming."
Clara: "Who's coming?"
Doctor: "The Doctor. "
Clara: "You. You are the Doctor."
Doctor: "Yep. And I will always be.
But times change and so must I."
*sees Amy*
Clara: "Who's Amelia?"
Doctor: "The first face this face saw.

We all change, when you think about it.
We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me..."
*Amy comes to the Doctor*
Amelia: "Raggedy man, good night."


Frage : Welche von den 3 Szenen dort oben könnt ihr am meißten leiden?
(Also ich find das von dem 11. Doktor am besten. (Ja ihr Tennant-Fans verspottet mich nicht.))

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