The Move

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"So why are we moving again dad?" Daunte asked his father in confusion.

"I already told you, I passed the test and now we qualify for a better Complex. That means a new job opportunity and better schools for you."

"You sound like a robot when you say it like that dad, and for the record; I don't want to go.."

'This whole complex system is stupid. There is never a reason to uproot people. I've already lost friends and even family members to its supposed betterment plan'

"That memory happened five years ago." I told myself aloud. After the Reset I now live alone in a much bigger home then my family could have ever imagined.

"I need to stop using these stupid memory mirrors." I walked to the cabinet where I warped in my rich people gadgets.

"5 years and I'm still not used to this mansion. Which reminds me, I need to stop speaking to myself."

"So what do you think of our Complex, Daunte?"

"It's freaking huge dad! How well did you do on that test?!" Daunte asked half impressed, half shocked.

"Let's just say we won't be seeing that Class C Complex for a long long time."

They both looked outside of their new home. They admired the beautiful scenery but didn't quite feel at home.

"Did anyone fail the test?" Daunte asked realizing his friends father also took the same test.

Things were silent for a moment. Then finally he responded.


Daunte looked at him and knew exactly what he was trying to say. Daunte fought back angery tears, but had to know the truth.

"What is going to happen to his family dad?"

"I'm not sure." He paused for a moment avoiding eye contact with Daunte.

"Dad please...I need to know"

"He's being sent back to Class D Complex. And before you ask, I don't know what that means but it's not good. Not at all."

Daunte, very visibly upset, was immediately interrupted by his father before he could utter a word.

"You can't stay upset. You don't want Them to see you like this."

Daunte at first shrugged, but realized that his father was right.

"Why do they do this dad?"

"Read the betterment plan. It's all in there."

'Why is he always so robotic whenever we talk about Them or the Complex system?'

I picked up my hand and placed it by my ear.

"When is my suit coming in?"

"Right now Sir! Sorry for the delay Sir."

I hung up. The suit warped into my closet a moment later.

"It's hard to be sad with a new suit everyday." I said aloud. Not sure who I was reassuring. After I admired it for a second, I finally got dressed.

"Off to work."

"Say what's ze plan for tdai?" Daunte asked in his signature silly accent.

"Don't let them hear you Daunte." Immediately followed with, "but we're picking out suits. We have job opportunities not job guarantees. So I have to dress the part. We're heading to the clothes store."


"Wow..." Daunte's mouth was gaping open. "This store is bigger then all of C Complex!"

"Daunte go ask the clerk where the fine suits are. I need a few outfits because the interviews at this level are tough."

"Excuse me....excu....ughh." Daunte sighed as the clerks ran around him attending to higher status clients. Before Daunte walked back to his dad who was in line to grab a membership card for the Clothes Store, he noticed a sign high in the air that read "Suits ->" the arrow pointing to a multilevel area.

"Alright Daunte I got the card, it was pretty expensive. Do you know where the suits are?"

"Yes, follow me."

"Ah yes the Clothes Store, I remember when...." I stopped. Remembering what I used to remember was illegal to bring up. I looked away trying to forget the pain but the memory just kept going. So I continued walking to work anyways.

We decided to take the stairs to the second floor.

"This reminds me of the old clothes store we used to go to in C Complex."

"It's does...just nicer."

The store was reminiscent of any old department store. Suits placed neatly in hangers with movable clothes cabinets filled with socks, belts, and even designer underwear.

Daunte looked around while his father looked for a few suits and the appropriate accessories. Daunte noticed one man in particular who kept looking at them. He was friendly and young. Daunte knew where he lived because he had special fractal cufflinks that glowed in the light.

"You trying to better yourself too?" Daunte asked the young man.

"Yes..." I said aloud, remembering.

I finally got to the building where I worked.

"You gonna try the Warp today Sir?"

I nodded my head. I walked to the apparatus and the directions appeared in a holographic sign. Step one: "what is your name?"

"So is my dad!" Daunte told him excitedly. "May I ask your name Sir?"

"Brendyn." The sign changed to read Step 2: "What is your title?"

"Hey dad, this is Brendyn, he seems real nice. Tell him what job your interviewing for!"

Daunte noticed that his dad was hesitating so Daunte took the initiative and said "He's is going for the position of..."

"VP of Complex Architecture and Technology" I said aloud. The sign disappeared. The guard nodded his head.

"Here goes nothing..." I pressed the button.

Daunte's ResetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz