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loving him wasn't about staying afloat.






"Coach you have to believe me! I-I wouldn't, I-I didn't-", tears welling up in baby blue eyes, ironically innocent as he was far from, at least in the minds of everybody else. Shaking hands gripping the championship rings that once found home on his long, slim fingers, choked sobs were met with a look of disappointment as his greying teacher sat there, taking in the shell of his student that once had so much potential, but just seemingly threw it all away.

"What am I supposed to say, huh? What do you want me to say, Luke? I believed in you, I stood by you, and this shít-,"scraggled screams bouncing off the erringly familiar concrete walls of the locker room, ragged breathes of chlorine intoxicated air and ripples of echoed disgust left to carry through, lingering in the two's minds like blood on tongue or bitten lips; a reminder of what everyone else thought, but he forsakenly promised Luke he wouldn't.

"I don't know okay! I know this looks bad, but Eric I wouldn't do this. Remember the promise I made to-"

"Oh well that's just rich, what would Andrew think about all of this, huh? What would your father think, his son being a fûcking cheat and all? After all the work he put in? All the sacrifices he made? You damn well broke that promise Luke, you broke it a long fûcking time ago when you started with all the parties and the whores you'd sneak in at night. This was coming, for a long time, I just didn't want to see it. You lost committment, right? Well now you lose everything because of that big head of yours, the pathetic thing is you think you deserve shît. "

The back of his hand smeared away tears before anymore dared to spill, however, he failed to catch the dry chuckle before it left his lips. Hands gliding through golden hair gone dull, tugging at it's ends, the blond mass flops down againist his forehead as his hands release, not bothering to fix it's messy appearance. "That has nothing to do will this! I'm sorry, I wanted to have fun for once! I'm sorry, I wanted to mess around a bit! I'm 17 years old-"

"Oh, don't use that card on me. Your father was a gold medalist by then you selfish-"

"Quit fûcking interrupting me!", Sliver hoops of begotten success splicing into skin, without looking down he saw red, but not blood. The color of anger, the color of pain, soon enough clashing with white knuckles as his fist bashes into a nearby locker, leaving the dented metal a perfect reflection of his reputation, his psyche, his livelihood. Neck vein prominent as he took in uneven breathes, he didn't seem to have control anymore, but when did he really?

Turning away so he doesn't punch the sarcastic smile off of the balding man's face too, beating heart and bloody, bruised knuckles were all he felt anymore, tears drying and face going stoic; numbness tore it's way through him painlessly painfully.

"Don't you start, Andrew's not here to save your ass anymore, Luke. He's fucking dead, Luke, he's fucking dead. My best friend is dead, your dad is dead, you fûcked this all up, you let him down, and that's all on you."

That was the story of what drove Luke Hemmings off the deep end.

This is the story of what, or in this case who, brought him back to the suface.


Hi guys! So it's been forever since I've posted a story, but now that i'm active again, i've had a swimmer luke story in my drafts forever so i decided to persue it!!!!

get ready to get wet yallllllllll

i need jesus k then. anyways i just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me through these times, i appreciate you all and to all those who are new hi :)

i will start updating this once i finish the first 6 or so chapters so get ready bc im already almost done with on ayyyyyyyeeeeeee

now before i go do some paperwork for hell (fook skool i wonna be fumo$) aka homework i wanna give big hugs even after my absence, i just want to say how much i genuinely appreciate all of you who have all been a friend to me at one time or another i'll always remember you all as the positive lights in my life you were/are. thank you from the bottom of my heart x (if i didnt mention you im really sorry, its been hard keeping up with new users i h8 myself)
vote, comment, share, and all that jazz !

peace out girl scout



jillian clare as terra st. james

5sos as themselves

copyright; brighteyedirwin
start date: September 15th, 2015
end date:

deep end ◈ swimmer!lukeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora