Chapter 4

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I want to apologize for my bad writing. I'm on a phone and I heard that that's not as good as being on your computer but hey, whatever.

And sorry if the tense if mixed up like past, present, and future. \_😕_/

I FIXED MY COVER. IT IS 100% BETTER. YASSS. okay, read on! (Still sucks tho)


What can I say? I was shocked that Lucas- Lucas, sheesh, what was he thinking? I've been avoiding him at school for the past couple days, and ignoring his texts.

So when he backs me up against a locker I get kind of flustered.

"Maya," I jump in shock as I hear Lucas call my name from behind. I shut my locker pretty forcefully and stomp away from him. I hear his footsteps as he tries to catch up.

"Maya, stop," he starts walking backwards while he's next to me. "Maya!"

"What!" I yell as I keep walking.

"Just- just stop!" He slams his hand on a locker, forcing me to stop. I widen my eyes as I clutch my books closer to my chest. I hate when he scares me like that.

"You wouldn't slow down!" He confesses.

"You almost hit me," I complained, staring at the floor. "don't do that."

"I'm sorry, it was an accident. Sometimes-" he sighed taking his arm down. "sometimes I snap."

"I don't care! Just stay away from me," I told him. By now the hallways were clear of students. I just so happened to be alone with Lucas.

"I'm not going to leave!" He took my shoulders and shook me slightly. "We need to talk."

"Yeah, I know you just kissed me on the cheek-"


"but, dude! I don't feel like talking about anything between us." I sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I pursed my lips.



"For a long time-"

"Lucas, stop!"

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me with big eyes. This isn't right. He's suppose to live his life- without me. That's just how the universe wants it. I don't care how much he pleads or talks to me. Lucas would be a better person without me in his life and I can't believe I hadn't seen this before. It was a great childhood with Lucas, but I guess it's time I leave. Time to- to become adult... Ish. I look up at him weakly.

"I hope you don't hate me." I stand up straighter and sigh.

"I'm leaving." Lucas whispered. I nodded, thinking he was just mad at me for acting so rude. He rubbed my hand and turned away. I'm such a horrible friend. After a moment of silence, Riley came bouncing towards me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Lucas," I murmured. I was unable to tell her anything that just happened.

"Did he tell you? Oh my goodness, I'm glad he did. It's been killing him, and me." She sighed and then smiled at me again.

"Wait, what?" I suddenly turned my gaze away from the floor and up at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Wait what are you talking about?" Her smile started to dissipate from her face.

"Never mind that, I need to know what your talking about."

Time Is Ticking; gmwWhere stories live. Discover now